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IT Service Desk

Software Mass Deployment

for Staff

Software deployment usually takes long duration to complete.  It could be a painful process if the software to be deployed involved hundred of machines.  The Computing Services Centre (CSC) deploys software (including security patches and updates) to thousand of staff and shared machines on a regular basis.  This service also extends to departments that require specialised software in the Teaching StudiosLecture Theatres and Communal Classrooms for teaching and learning purposes.  These software are usually made available in the Work Desk menu and they are automatically installed when they are used.  Departments are reminded that computers in these venues are considered shared devices and they are configured to restore into original state when they are rebooted (i.e. after rebooting, the installed software and the data are removed).

In July-August, the CSC sends reminders to departments to request for the software list and licenses for deployment for next academic year usage.

Support & Contact

Departments may submit an online CSC Work Request for putting software on the Work Desk menu. When submitting the CSC Work Request for installing software, departments must declare that the software submitted is a legal copy and sufficient license(s) has/have been acquired. Departments must provide the installation source media (or web page for downloading the freeware) at least one week before use to allow for sufficient time to test the software.

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