Contact Information

IT Service Desk

Personal Web Hosting

for Staff

Personal Web Hosting service provides a consolidated, monitored and managed environment for staff members to host their websites for teaching and academic use.  The centrally provisioned personal web server for shared use is managed by the University IT and thus web server security is better managed.

This personal web server support only static HTML only.  Staff is also reminded that for personal website which are intended for usage unrelated to teaching and learning shall be hosted using external hosting service.

User Guides & FAQs

  1. How do I upload files to my web account?
    Detailed information can be found here.
  2. How do I change the password of my web account?
    As the web account passkey is generated by the system, you could only request for a newly generated passkey. You may reset your account passkey here.
  3. Could I install freeware, shareware or third-party software packages to my website?
    In order to ensure stability and security of the services, no freeware, shareware or third-party software package is allowed to be installed on your website.
  4. Does the web server support PHP and MySQL?
    PHP and MySQL are not supported.

Support & Contact

Staff members interested in having a personal web account may submit an online CSC Work Request through their departments.