Contact Information

IT Service Desk

On-campus Wi-Fi Connection

for Staff, Students, Alumni

CityUHK Wi-Fi provides high-speed wireless Internet and campus network access covering virtually the entire campus (except for lifts, staircases, toilets, etc).  To connect to a CityUHK wireless network, all that is needed is a device with an 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (Wi-Fi 5) or ax (Wi-Fi 6) wireless card.  Users can surf the Internet, check email, and much more from anywhere within the covered areas.

Currently, three types of Wi-Fi services are available for the University community:

CityUHK Wi-Fi network is solely for CityUHK members (staff, students and alumni) with CityUHK EID.  CityUHK members can connect to the network ID (SSID) “CityU WLAN (WPA)” or “CityU Alumni” to gain access to the Internet with higher transfer speed and better performance.  Currently around 3,000 access points are installed on campus covering most areas including the University Concourse, lecture theatres, classrooms, Student Residence, etc.

Eduroam stands for "Education Roaming" and it is a worldwide free Wi-Fi service offered by eduroam participants.  CityUHK has joined eduroam since 2008.  Eduroam participants including CityUHK staff and students can connect to the SSID “eduroam” to gain Internet access in all participating institutions worldwide.

Free Wi-Fi service is an initiative of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administration Region for providing free Internet connectivity in many public venues.  CityUHK has joined the initiative to provide free Wi-Fi service to visitors on campus since 2014 and the SSID used is “Wi-Fi.HK via CityU”. 

Safety Tips on Using WLAN

Once you have your notebook connected to any WLAN, you are exposing yourself to potential attacks. Therefore, network security and data protection is extremely important, especially when you are using public wireless hotspots. Following safety tips may help you to protect your notebook and safeguard your information while using WLAN:

You may also visit the Infosec of the Hong Kong Government ( for tips on using the wireless network.

Support & Contact

If you would like to report any Wi-Fi issue, please log a ticket in Service Portal (ServiceNow).