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+852 3442-0282

CityUHK Announcement Portal (CAP)

for Staff, Students

The CityUHK Announcement Portal (CAP) is the University’s official e-announcement service for both staff and students. The design of the CAP allows messages to be organised for easy reading and searching through the use of tabs and categories. Messaging privacy, security, and handling of unsolicited messages can be better managed and controlled within this modernised message portal. It is a single and centralised means for posting and reading announcements. Staff and students have total control over how and when they wish to receive CAP notifications and read CAP messages. The CAP is also designed with accessibilities in mind, allowing visually impaired users to read messages with screen reading devices. All announcements posted on the CAP will be kept for 14 calendar days before disposal and any user who wishes to keep a personal copy of any announcement may select “Email me a copy” to receive a copy via email.

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