Internet Services
- Account and Access Management
Application and Data Management
- AIMS and Banner
- API Gateway and API Management
- Central Payment Gateway
- CityUHK Mobile App
- CityUHK Portal
- CityU Scholars
- Degree Auditing and Academic Planning (DegreeWorks)
- e-Recruitment
- Finance and Procurement System (Oracle e-Business Suite)
- Grade Reporting (i-Assessment)
- Mobile App Publication
- Research Project Management System (ERIC)
- Booking Systems
- Communication and Collaboration
- Cloud, Data Centre and Server Hosting
- IT Security
- Network Connectivity and Management
End User Computing and Desktop Management
- Cloud Storage
- Computer Set Up and Configurations
- Computers Management in Lecture Theatres and Classrooms
- Data Removal Service
- Desktop Management
- Express Terminals
- Robotic Process Automation
- Information Classification and Protection
- Mobile Device Management
- Open Access Terminals
- Online Survey
- Printer & Print Queue Management
- Remote Desktop
- Shared Network Drive
- Teaching Studios (Computer Laboratories)
- URL Shortener (ShortURL)
- Virtual Desktop Service
- e-Signature Service
- Printing and Scanning Facilities
- Software Licenses and Deployment
- Teaching and Learning Support
- User Communication and Training
- Web Hosting
- High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Research Computing
- Smart Campus and AV
- User Support
Contact Information
Mass Email Sending
The Gateway for Mass e-Mailing (hereafter referred to as the Gateway) provides an outgoing SMTP server for departments with justified needs to send many individual email messages to contacts on official matters. The Gateway is NOT intended for sending any announcements to current CityU staff and students and they are advised to use the formal channel – CityU Announcement Portal (CAP).
Alternatively, senders may also consider using cloud-based email campaign platforms (at a cost) which facilitates email sending, subscription features, and recipients analytics/reports.
Use of the Gateway will be suspended or terminated by the Computing Services Centre (CSC) without prior notice to departments whenever there is any suspected misuse or concern which may incur liability to the University, damage the reputation of the University, jeopardise the integrity of the service, or impact other IT services of the University. The CSC will not be responsible for any data loss arising from such service suspension or termination. Continual provision of the Gateway to departments is subject to annual review based on its efficacy to departments, CSC’s support effort, complaints from or negative actions taken/to be taken by email recipients and their respective email service providers, as well as regulatory changes.
Support & Contact
Interested departments may submit an online CSC Work Request to apply for the use of the Mass Email Sending service with the following information:
- Names of two full-time CityU staff responsible for liaising with the CSC, one serveing as the primary contact and the other as the secondary contact
- Justification for use of the service
- Frequency of use or yearly schedule
- Estimated number of recipients per mass email campaign
- CityU IP address(es) (2 staff PCs at most) to be registered for sending mass email