Contact Information

IT Service Desk

IT Forum

for Staff, Students, Alumni

Technology is moving in an ever-increasing pace.  To stay current with the technology trends, staff and students are encouraged to take advantage of the training opportunities on campus.  IT Forum is a series of technology-related talks organised by the Computing Services Centre (CSC) for all staff and students.  Computer professionals from notable industry leaders are invited to speak on various topics of interest, and these offer potential users a chance to keep pace with the latest technology.  As enrolment is not required, seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis.  Furthermore, selected videos of the previously held seminars are available for viewing at any time via CityVoD.  To check what's upcoming, just keep an eye on the upcoming events or published schedule.  Details of the seminars will also be announced via CityUHK Announcement Portal (CAP).