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IT Service Desk

Off-campus Wi-Fi Connection

for Staff, Students

CityUHK is collaborating with various organisations and wireless service providers to provide free Wi-Fi services to all CityUHK staff and students outside the CityUHK campus. Hotspot locations span over 100 territories world-wide. When you visit any one of their hotspots and your Wi-Fi device can detect the network ID (SSID) described below, you will be able to connect to the network using your CityUHK Wi-Fi account or accept the service provider’s "Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)". No prior registration is required. Below is the summary and brief introduction of these Wi-Fi resources that you can use:

Eduroam stands for "Education Roaming". CityUHK has joined the Eduroam in 2008. All CityUHK staff and students can connect to the SSID “eduroam” at any Eduroam-enabled institutions around the world to enjoy free Internet access. You may visit Eduroamand Eduroam Hong Kong for more information and search for the participating institutions.

Hotspots from CSL Wi-Fi and Y5Zone are available throughout Hong Kong. There are more than 23,000 hotspots located in fast food shops, shopping malls, MTR stations, etc. You may visit CSL Wi-Fi and Y5ZONE for the hotspot lists.

Free Wi-Fi service is provided by the Hong Kong Government in collaboration with the public and private sectors to promote a common Wi-Fi brand “Wi-Fi.HK”. The “Wi-Fi.HK” hotspots are widely available across 18 districts in Hong Kong including telephone booths, coffee shops, convenience stores, shopping centres as well as government premises that are covered by the Government Wi-Fi Programme. No prior registration is required, however, you need to observe and accept the "Terms & Conditions and Disclaimers” of individual suppliers before a connection can be established. The SSID under the Wi-Fi.HK scheme is in the format of “Wi-Fi.HK via <name of service providers>”. For example, the SSID used inside the CityUHK campus is “Wi-Fi.HK via CityU” for guest access.