Section 2 - Delivery, Viewing Submissions and Grading (Assignments)
- Stage 1 - Use Assignment to Deliver a Mock Examination
- Stage 2 - Use Assignment to Conduct an Examination
- Give an SEN Student Extra Time for the Examination
- Publish the Real Examination
- Set Grade Posting Policy to Hide Scores Before the Examination
- View and Grade the Submissions After the Completion of the Examination
- (Turnitin only) View the Similarity Reports After Examination Completion
- (Optional) Download All Student Submissions
- (Optional) Release of Student Examination Scores After Grading
Stage 1 - Use Assignment to Deliver a Mock Examination
We suggest teachers deliver a mock examination (before the actual examination) to the students. The purpose is to let students get hands-on experience of the whole assignment process. Teachers may also find out issues in advance.
When creating the assignment or revisiting the assignment after clicking the Edit button,
- Set the Points as 0
- Enable the option Do not count this assignment towards the final grade

Give an SEN Student Extra Time for a Mock Examination
Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) may need extra time to complete the mock examination.

Revisit the assignment and click the Edit button,
- Click Manage Due Dates and Assign To, then click the Add button under Assign to

- Input the first and family name of the student and select the right name
- Check to see the first "Assign" box shows "Everyone else" instead of "Everyone"
(If necessary, close "Everyone" then add "Everyone else".) - Set the assignment available period longer
- Available from:
You may input an earlier time for the SEN student
(Recommendation: Keep this the same for all students) - Until:
You may input a later time for the SEN student - Due date:
Adjust this to let the SEN student know when he/she should make the submission
- Available from:
- Click the Apply button and Save button
Publish the Mock Examination and Attempt it Using Student View

- Click the assignment status icon to publish the assignment when the settings are done
- Use Student View to attempt the mock examination to find out the real experience of a student
(Canvas instruction: How do I view a course as a test student using Student View?) - Edit the mock examination again if you find any issue
View Mock Examination Submissions Completed by Students

In the assignment page, click on the SpeedGrader link to open it. SpeedGrader is used for checking and grading the individual assignment submissions as shown in the below Canvas instructions:
(Turnitin only) View Similarity Reports After Mock Examination Completion
Open the SpeedGrader,

- Click on the student name to explore the student list
- Click on the similarity percentage from the right-hand side of SpeedGrader

- On the report window, click the similarity score to view the matches
- (Optional) Click the Download icon to download the report
(Note: Select Current View)
More instructions about similarity report are located at Turnitin instructor guides for Canvas:
- Accessing the Similarity Report
- Navigating the Similarity Report (Feedback Studio)
- Managing exclusions and filters in the Similarity Report (Feedback Studio)
Stage 2 - Use Assignment to Conduct an Examination
When creating the assignment or revisiting the assignment after clicking the Edit button,
- Set the Points as non-zero (e.g. 100)
- Make sure the option Do not count this assignment towards the final grade is not ticked

Give an SEN Student Extra Time for the Examination
You may need to provide extra examination time for students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in advance. During the examination, some students may encounter issues and you can also assign extra time to them to complete their submissions.

Revisit the assignment and click the Edit button,
- Click Manage Due Dates and Assign To, then click the Add button under Assign to

- Input the first and family name of the student and select the right name
- Check to see the first "Assign" box shows "Everyone else" instead of "Everyone"
(If necessary, close "Everyone" then add "Everyone else".) - Set the assignment available period longer
- Available from:
You may input an earlier time for the student
(Recommendation: Keep this the same for all students) - Until:
You may input a later time for the student - Due date:
Adjust this to let the student know when he/she should make the submission
- Available from:
- Click the Apply button and Save button
Publish the Real Examination

- Click the assignment status icon to publish the assignment when the settings are done
- Use Student View to confirm your students have no access to the real examination before the available time
(Canvas instruction: How do I view a course as a test student using Student View?)
Set Grade Posting Policy to Hide Scores Before the Examination
It is recommended that you hide the grades of the published assignment so your students will not see grades after you enter them into Canvas.

- Hover over the assessment header, click the Options icon (3-dot)
- Click the Grade Posting Policy item
- Select the Manually option
- Click the Save button
Once a submission has been graded, the quiz header displays the Visibility icon in Grades.
View and Grade the Submissions After the Completion of the Examination

In the assignment page, click on the SpeedGrader link to open it. SpeedGrader is used for checking and grading the individual assignment submissions as shown in the below Canvas instructions:
(Turnitin only) View the Similarity Reports After Examination Completion
Open the SpeedGrader,

- Click on the student name to explore the student list
- Click on the similarity percentage from the right-hand side of SpeedGrader

- On the report window, click the similarity score to view the matches
- (Optional) Click the Download icon to download the report
(Note: Select Current View)
More instructions about similarity report are located at Turnitin instructor guides for Canvas:
- Accessing the Similarity Report
- Navigating the Similarity Report (Feedback Studio)
- Managing exclusions and filters in the Similarity Report (Feedback Studio)
(Optional) Download All Student Submissions

In the assignment page, click on the Download Submissions link. Canvas will generate a zip file including all the submissions for you to download.
(Canvas instruction: How do I download all student submissions for an assignment?)
(Optional) Release of Student Examination Scores After Grading
If you like to release the examination scores to students via Canvas, go to the Grades.

- Hover over the assignment header, click the Options icon (3-dot)
- Click the Post grades
(Canvas instruction: How do I post grades for an assignment in the Gradebook?)