After logging in to Canvas, go to the Canvas Course under Courses (next to the Canvas logo) from the top.

  1. Click People from left Course Navigation.
  2. Click + People .
  3. Click the Login ID option.
    (note: Student ID can be input in the next step if "SIS ID" is selected.)
  4. Add People page provides an interface to include other users to your Canvas Course based on CityUHK Electronic IDs (EIDs). You can search the EIDs by following the steps below.
    1. Log in AIMS, then click the Univ Info tab
    2. Click the link Communications Directory
    3. Search after input his/her information (i.e. CityUHK email address)
    4. Click the More... button on the staff record
    1. Log in AIMS, then click the Univ Info tab
    2. Click the link Student Directory
    3. Input Student ID then click the OK button
    You can also type or paste several EIDs (separated by comma / line break) at one time.
  5. In the Role drop-down menu, assign the user(s) a role for the Canvas Course.
    role can do......
    Teacher update course content, access gradebook with student submissions, add people
    TA update course content, access gradebook with student submissions
    Designer update course content
    Grader view course content, access gradebook with student submissions
    Student view published course content, submit assessments and discussion posts
    Observer view published course content only
    In the Section drop-down menu, assign the user(s) to the "course name" section in the Canvas Course.
  6. Click the Next button.
  7. Click the Add Users button to verify the information.