Turnitin's AI Writing Detection Function

The Turnitin feedback studio (similarity report) has included an AI-generated text detection feature. Please follow the steps indicated in the infographics below to access the AI writing detection report.

To access the Turnitin AI writing report,
1. Click on the similarity score of the student submission from Canvas SpeedGrader / Turnitin Assignment Inbox to open the similarity report;
2. On the Feedback Studio, click the 'AI' indicator to open the writing report;
3. The AI writing report highlights the text that AI wrote according to model prediction and PDF version of the report can be downloaded. Click on the links to access additional feature information.

This new report is only available to teachers. For more information, please contact the Digital Learning Support (dl.support@cityu.edu.hk or 3442-6727). You may also refer to the following Turnitin web pages.