How to create Turnitin Assignment in Canvas Course Site

Create Turnitin assignment

To create a Turnitin assignment, please click Assignments link in Course Navigation, then click the Add Assignment button.

  1. input the assignment name and instruction
  2. enter the Points and select the Assignment Group
  3. select Submission Type - Online
  4. enable File Upload - Restrict Upload File Types
    (Turnitin instruction: Accepted file types and sizes)
step a - d

In the Plagiarism Review part,

  1. select Turnitin
  2. select one of the submission storage options:
    • Standard paper repository
    • Do not store the submitted papers
    (Turnitin instruction: Submission storage options)
  3. check the options under Compare submissions against and Similarity Report
step e - g

  1. select one of similarity report availability options under Show report to the students
    • Immediately
    • After the assignment is graded
    • After the due date
    • Never
    (Turnitin instruction: Setting Similarity Report availability)
  2. set the fields for the assignment available period
  3. click the Save button (or Save & Publish button if ready)
step h - j

Further instructions: