Record a Video with Panopto and Submit to the Assignment of Canvas Course on a Mobile Device

  • last updated on 10 March 2025

Three Main Steps

  1. Access the Canvas course in a mobile browser.
    1. Recommended: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge
    2. Not Recommended: "Canvas Student" mobile app, Safari
  2. Record a video under the Assignment Folder in Panopto Recordings.
  3. During submitting the assignment, Insert the Panopto video in the "Text Entry" submission.

Step 1 - Access Canvas Course in Browser

  1. Tap and open a browser on your mobile device, then input in the address field.
    1. Recommended:
      Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge
    2. Not Recommended:
      "Canvas Student" mobile app, Safari
  2. Input your CityUHK EID and password, then tap the Sign In button.
    1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) may be required.
  3. In Canvas, tap the   Menu icon from the top left corner.
  4. Tap the Courses link to expand the course list, then tap the course name to access the Canvas course.
    1. If the course is not listed, tap the All Courses link to explore it.

Step 2 - Record Panopto Video

  1. To open the Course Navigation, tap Down icon from the top right corner.
  2. In Course Navigation, tap the Panopto Recordings link.
  3. Tap the Assignment Folder Term - Course Name [assignments].
    1. The Assignment Folder should be created by your course teacher. If the folder cannot be found, please contact your course teacher.
  4. Tap the + Create button, then tap the Panopto Capture link on the menu.
  5. Once you are ready (i.e., landscape screen), tap the Record icon to start recording.
  6. After recording, add your student name to the video title.
  7. Tap the drop-down menu whether the Assignment Folder Term - Course Name [assignments] is selected.
  8. To close the "Panopto Capture" browser tab,
    1. Tap the Tabs icon to show all tabs.
    2. Tap the Close icon at the tab.

Step 3 - Submit Assignment

  1. To open the Course Navigation, tap Down icon from the top right corner.
  2. In Course Navigation, tap the Assignments link.
  3. Tap the name of the assignment.
  4. Tap Start Assignment.
    (or New Attempt for resubmission)
  5. On the Rich Content Editor under "Text Entry" tab, tap the App (Plug) icon.
    1. If the icon is not shown, tap the   More icon to expand the tool menu.
  6. Tap the Panopto Recordings link under the App (Plug) menu.
    1. If the link is not shown, tap View All expand the menu.
  7. On the "Panopto Recordings" popup, Choose the added video under the course's Assignment Folder Term - Course Name [assignments]. Then tap the Insert button.
  8. Tap the Submit Assignment button to complete the submission.