Award Badges Automatically in a Canvas Course

  • last updated on 28 January 2025

Checklist for Awarding Badges

1. Preparation

Create Issuer and Badge Images

Requirements of the digital issuer profile and badge images are listed below.

File Formats PNG, SVG
Recommended Aspect Ratio 400 by 400 px (square view)
Recommended Background Transparent

(Canvas Badges Guide: Recommended Specifications for Badge Images)

2. Canvas Badges website

Please visit the Canvas Badges website (

Sign In/Create an Account

New User
  1. Click the Create Account on the Canvas Badges website
  2. Input your CityUHK email address "[Your EID]"
  3. Type the verification code you received in your email, then click the Verify button
  4. On the Complete Signup form,
    1. Fill in the required fields
    2. Tick "I have read and agreed to the Terms of Service"
    3. Click the Create account button
Existing User
  1. Click the Sign In on the Canvas Badges website
  2. Input your CityUHK email address "[Your EID]" and password
    The password is not the same as the CityUHK one. Please click the Forgot Password? link to reset the password if you forget it.
  3. Click the Sign In button

(Canvas Badges Guide: How do I manage my Canvas Badges/Credentials account?)

Add an Issuer for Course

You can skip this part if one of issuers can be reused.

  1. After logging in to the Canvas Badges website, click the Issuers tab
  2. Click the Create issuer button
  3. On the Create issuer form,
    1. Fill in the required fields
    2. Upload the issuer profile image
    3. Tick "I have read and agree to the Data Processor Addendum"
    4. Click the Create Issuer button

(Canvas Badges Guide: How do I create or add an issuer in Canvas Badges or Canvas Credentials?)

3. Canvas Courses

Modules and Credentials/Badges pages need to be accessed in your Canvas courses.

Organise Modules in Canvas Course

Modules could control the entire flow of content and track the student progress of required content in Canvas courses. Badges would be awarded to students based on their module process records.

Instructions are listed below.

(Canvas Instructor Guide: Modules)

Manage Badges in Canvas Course

Please visit the Credentials or Badges page in your Canvas course.
✽  If the links are not shown on the left course navigation, please Enable Navigation Links on the Settings page.

  1. If it is the first time to access the page,
    1. Input your CityUHK email address "[Your EID]"
    2. Type the verification code you received in your email, then click the Verify button
    3. Set the end date for the Canvas Badges Groups
      ✽  Up to 1 Year
      Canvas Badges Guide: What are Groups in Canvas Badges?
    4. Select issuer, which you have created on the Canvas Badges website before
  2. To create a badge (or upload a badge image), click on the Add badge button under "Group setup" > "Badges"
    (Canvas Badges Guide: How do I create a badge in Canvas Badges?)
  3. After creating a badge, click the Canvas course badges tab under "Badges" and then select the badge with requirement settings on a module
    (Canvas Badges Guide: How do I manage group course requirements for Badges in Canvas?)