• 一· 博物百科:動物與科學探索
    1. Encyclopaedia, compendia and scientific inquiry


    The first section of the exhibition brings together compelling examples of contemporary scientific research with the extraordinary historical accomplishments of Chinese naturalists going back to the Compendium of Materia Medica, a Chinese herbology volume written by Li Shizhen during the Ming dynasty. The 1782 Complete Library in Four Sections (Siku Quanshu) commissioned by the Qianlong Emperor contained some 800 million Chinese characters, and remained the world’s largest encyclopedia, only recently surpassed by Wikipedia. The scientific and aesthetic achievements of these masterful works then leads to direct encounters with animals, including such fascinating artefacts as a playground of whale skeleton bones, an immersive interactive theater of sea marvels, living and historically depicted horseshoe crabs, and the hidden interior of domestic pets revealed by CT scan technology.

    二· 如意吉祥:動物的象徵寓意
    2. Auspicious symbols and homophonic puns


    The symbolic meaning of animals forms an intrinsic part of Chinese culture, and the nature of its written and spoken language contributes to this rich vocabulary. The large numbers of homophones in the Chinese language means that words with different meanings become associated with each other due to a similarity of sound when spoken. For example, the bat is a symbol of happiness and joy because the Chinese word for bat (fuk1 蝠) sounds identical to the word for good fortune (fuk1 福). In addition to such linguistic associations, other symbolic and auspicious animals originate from ancient cosmological and mythical beliefs. A belief in animal power and in their influence over human life is deep-seated and shared by most cultures; to this day people give emblematic significance to the animal domain in a manner that extends far beyond the realm of nature.

    三· 傳說奇想:虛構和人工的動物

    3. Mythical creatures and bestiaries from fantasy to manufactury and the popular imaginary


    The astonishing proliferation of forms and modes of being in nature excite the human imagination. In the bestiaries of old and new, fantastical creatures such as dragon, unicorn and griffin thrive side by side with the real animals we encounter. These creatures are further empowered by a belief in moral or pharmacological properties, like the Chinese unicorn Qilin that can supposedly ward off evil. Bizarre creations also come into existence from translation and transcription errors of naturalists that are repeated and embellished from one generation to the next. But most of all the animal world offers a treasury of compelling narrative protagonists that we adopt and then adapt into literary sagas such as Journey to the West and Animal Farm, into the children’s imaginary of Alice in Wonderland and the Cat in the Hat, and into the fantasies of Middle Earth and Planet of the Apes. This brings us to the threshold of future emerging worlds with weird and wonderful robotic creatures, the perplexing prospect of genetically manipulated animals, and the wealth of art’s unfettered digital imaginings.

    四· 自然生態:動物與「天人合一」的違和
    4. The harmony and disharmonies of animal and nature

    傳統中國藝術善用比喻,以表達對自然規律的理解,而人該順應此規律。中國藝術不單求「形」,更是求「神」,表現天地萬物的「韻」。畫家的所有意象,均流露自然融和,以及道、釋二家闡述的「天人合一」思想。至於西方藝術,亦常推崇人和自然為一體,相互協調。可是,氣候變化、戰爭、污染、人口過剩和其他憂患,引發全球危機,令可貴的自然調和喪失,逼使人面對前所未見的惡果。鑑於這些憂患破壞環境,禍及世上萬物,動物研究和「健康一體化」(One Health)的科學概念獲善用,為理解大自然和動物界帶來嶄新觀點,以解決眼前危機。

    Steeped in the rhetoric of metaphor and allegory, traditional Chinese art sought to express an understanding of the pattern of nature that organizes human life. The purpose was not to reproduce mere appearances, but rather to grasp the essence that evoked the atmosphere of the landscape, its flora and fauna. Every iconographic element therefore reflects nature’s underlying coherence, as revealed by the artist, and expresses Taoist and Buddhist concepts of the inner harmony governing human beings’ relation to nature. Western art has also often celebrated holistic visions of humans and nature in harmonious relation; yet today the global crises brought about by climate change, war, pollution, population growth, etc, force one to confront new and terrible disturbances undermining this precious and essential equilibrium. Given these challenges that threaten the environment and the future of all living species, the study of animals and of “One Health” has become an essential scientific and conceptual tool to help resolve these crises through new understandings of nature and the animal domain.

    五· 當代藝術:動物的革新意象
    5. Revisioning animal identity in contemporary art


    The works of contemporary art in this section of the exhibition employ production techniques that encompass all types of media. While their subject matter remains the animal world, each artist has a unique vision and commentary that provokes a fresh state of curiosity and understanding in the viewer. These works touch upon all the themes from the previous exhibition sections, but frame them in a contemporary perspective that can be critical, ironic and/or humorous. Through them we see the animal world not only as a source of wonder but also as an environment facing new predicaments and challenges. Furthermore, these artworks are conceptually forceful and aesthetically innovative, drawing on ancient traditions of craftsmanship and iconographic eloquence in Chinese art that continue to provide an invaluable legacy to current and future generations of artists.