2.1 秋林羣鹿
Herd of Deer in an Autumnal Grove

五代 Five dynasties

軸 絹本設色 Hanging scroll, ink and colors on sink
118.4cm (H) x 63.8cm(W)

本幅繪羣鹿嬉遊、憩息於楓紅與白樺交錯的樹叢中,畫面洋溢 着北國的秋日景象。畫法極奇,異於一般傳統方法,似受外來影響,具有濃厚裝飾趣味。畫鹿全以淡墨分染,畫樹葉先用細筆鉤輪廓與脈絡,再用汁綠漬染,或用粉填,然後淡罩彩色,彩不掩墨,自有光彩浮動,生意榮茂之色。通幅予人精緻柔麗之感。

This work depicts a maple forest in autumn in which a herd of deer is frolicking and resting. The painting method here differs somewhat from traditional Chinese techniques. With its strongly decorative quality, it seems to have been created under the influence of a foreign art style. The deer have been done completely in light ink and washes. The outlines and veins of the tree leaves were first delicately outlined, washes of green applied, then mineral white filled in, and finally more light washes of color added. The colors do not conceal the ink, creating brilliant, semi-transparent richness with their lively hues. The painting thereby exudes a refined quality of soft beauty.

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