5.15 面對面
Face to Face
彭泓智|Peng Hung-Chih

面對面 4 Face to Face 4 (Shh)
Video and sculpture Installation
142 cm (L) X 100 cm (H) x 28 cm (W)

面對面 5 (Errh) Face to Face 5 (Errh)
Fiber glass, LCD screen and VCD
138 cm (L) X 66 cm (H) x 86 cm (W)


Face to Face is a series of white fiberglass dog sculptures which head contains a human head-shaped opening through which viewers can watch footage shot from a canine perspective, such as meeting and greeting other dogs, barking, eating, etc. The positions of the sculptures as well as their sometimes awkwardly placed viewing orifices force visitors to crouch down and straddle these forms, thereby transgressing the traditional boundary between the work of art and the viewing subject. However, despite the fact that the viewers literally have access to another species’ vision, the sentiments motivating the dog’s movements and actions are not so easily interpretable. Providing a constant reminder that seeing from another’s perspective is easier said than done, the sculptures nonetheless serve to facilitate an approximation of species.

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