4.3 枇杷猿戲圖
Gibbons Playing in a Loquat Tree

軸 絹本設色

Sung dynasty
Hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk 166cm (H) x 107.9cm (W)


An old loquat tree extends behind a rock and diagonally through this work as branches come back into the picture frame at the top, which demonstrates the artist’s skill at compositional arrangement. The seated gibbon holds onto the trunk of the tree and watches another gibbon who hangs playfully from a branch above and looks down. The artist not only successfully captures the furry texture of the gibbons, but also their movements and behavior. This attention to detail as well as to rendering their spirit is a hallmark of naturalism in Sung dynasty painting. In fact, the representation of the fur is so realistic that it looks as if it could be touched. This reveals the superb use of brush and ink on the part of the artist. Besides the convincing texture of the tree and rocks, the coloring is naturalistic and elegant, and the leaves also twist naturally in space. All these contribute to the mastery of this Sung dynasty painting.

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