1.7 海錯奇珍
Marvels within the Sea –Immersive and Interactive Theater
國立故宮博物院|National Palace Museum

文物取材:清 聶璜〈海錯圖〉

240cm (H) x 650cm (W) x 650cm (D)
Artefact inspiration: Illustrated Album of Sea Miscellany, Nie Huang, Qing dynasty

〈海錯奇珍 ﹣沉浸式互動劇場〉為躺臥觀賞,觀眾手持漁火燈觸發互動劇場,仿若身置浩瀚無際的深海。劇場內容取材自清代生物學家暨畫家聶璜的〈海錯圖〉(1.9)。「海錯」二字,意指水中生物之錯雜紛陳。〈海錯奇珍〉以藝術家廣蒐博采之見聞,和對大自然的博物史觀,創造想像與真實交錯的海洋異想世界。

Marvels within the Sea – Immersive and Interactive Theater is viewed from a reclining perspective, and the audience can activate the interactive theater component using shing lights. The experience is akin to that of being immersed in the boundless depths of the ocean. The content of this exhibit was inspired by Illustrated Album of Sea Miscellany (1.9), which was created by the Qing era biologist and artist, Nie Huang. The title of this work is indicative of the great abundance and variety of marine life. Marvels within the Sea – Immersive and Interactive Theater presents a myriad of stories collected from far and wide by the artist, as well as his museological perspective toward the natural world, thereby weaving together a fantastic marine world entwining both imagination and reality.

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