1.4 本草綱目
Compendium of Materia Medica
李時珍|Li Shizhen

清 Qing dynasty 22.4cm (H) x 15.4cm (W)
乾隆間寫 文淵閣《四庫全書》本《本草綱目》;卷:圖卷下之下

From the Compendium of Materia Medica in
the Wenyuange Edition of the Complete Library in
Four Sections (Siku Quanshu) of the Reign of Qianlong
Volume: Third Section of the Second Illustration Volume


The Compendium of Materia Medica was a grand work of pharmacy compiled by Li Shizhen of the Ming dynasty, and represents a collation of all existing knowledge on herbology prior to the 16th century and the actual observations and experiences of the author. The work is classified into sixteen divisions and sixty orders, and has contributed greatly to the development of plant and animal taxonomy. The Compendium of Materia Medica has been copied and republished several times, and the version displayed in this exhibition was derived from the Medicine Subcategory of the Zi (Masters) Section in the Complete Library in Four Sections (Siku Quanshu) compiled in the reign of Qianlong during the Qing era. This exhibition has specially selected illustrations of several animal parts that are still used in traditional Chinese medicine, including parts derived from current endangered species, such as tiger bone and rhinoceros horn, in order to highlight the evolving relationship between humans and animals across different times and eras.

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