1.14 百駿變
Morphosis of Castiglione’s Hundred Horses


Horse: 208cm (H) x 251.3cm (W) x 70cm (D)

朗世寧的絹本長卷〈百駿圖〉(1728年),描繪約百隻毛色斑紋各異的駿馬,被譽為中國十大名畫之一。此裝置以數碼動畫呈現卷中百馬的毛色,並將之以立體光雕(projection mapping)技術,投映至實物大的白馬雕塑之上,令雕塑仿如畫中百駿逐一現身眼前,不停幻變。

Considered to be among the top ten masterpieces of Chinese painting, Guiseppe Castiglione’s One Hundred Horses (1728) silk handscroll portrays 100 horses in a variety of coat colors and with distinctive markings. This installation provides a digital animation of these equine coat textures, and projection maps them onto a white life-size horse sculpture, thereby creating the visual illusion of a morphosis across all the horses in Castglione’s painting.

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