5.14 我愛美國 美國愛我
I Like America and America Likes Me
Joseph Beuys

1974 錄像Video 37.5分鐘mins

Joseph Beuys(1921-1986)常被譽為二十世紀下半葉影響最深遠的藝術家之一。他的行為藝術〈我愛美國 美國愛我〉在1974年5月紐約一間畫廊發生;藝術家將自己和一隻郊狼困在一個房間三日。藝術家甫落機,便被蓋上一張氈,再被抬上救護車送抵畫廊,過程中沒有碰過美國國土一下。作品展現藝術家與美國、與美國政治令人困惑的關係。

Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) is widely regarded as one of the most influential artists of the second half of the 20th century. Beuys’s Action I Love America and America Loves Me took place in May 1974 in a New York gallery, where he spent three days locked in a room with a live coyote. As soon as he got off the plane, he was wrapped in felt and loaded into an ambulance, then driven to the gallery without touching American soil. The Action reflected Beuys’ troubled relationship with the US and its politics.

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