4.5 動物狂歡節
The Carnival of the Animals (Le carnaval des animaux)
作曲 Music: Camille Saint-Saens
韻文 Poem: Ogden Nash
插圖 Illustration: Ping Zhu

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Audio and poem installation

〈動物狂歡節〉由法國作曲家Camille Saint-Saëns所作,是首旋律詼諧的組曲,共十四樂章,每章代表不同動物。Saint-Saëns當作品是取樂,僅於私下表演,並只允許在他離世後發表。此曲面世後,成為Saint-Saëns最廣為人知的作品之一,深受音樂老師和小朋友喜愛。十四章分別為〈獅子進行曲〉、〈公雞母雞〉、〈追風野驢〉、〈烏龜〉、〈大象〉、〈袋鼠〉、〈水族館〉、〈長耳動物〉、〈森林布穀鳥〉、〈飛鳥〉、〈鋼琴家〉、〈化石〉、〈天鵝〉、〈終章〉。1949年,美國詩人OgdenNash為此曲寫了一組諧趣的韻文,每段韻文配搭一段樂章。現時,這些韻文經常放到演奏中,多在彈奏一章前朗頌。

The Carnival of the Animals is a humorous musical suite of fourteen movements representing different animals by the French Romantic composer Camille Saint-Saëns. Saint- Saëns regarded the work as a piece of fun for private performance and only allowed it to be published posthumously. It has since become one of his best-known works, and is especially popular with music teachers and young children. The titles of its fourteen movements are: Royal March of the Lion; Hens and Roosters; Wild Donkeys Swift Animals; Tortoises; The Elephant; Kangaroos; Aquarium; Characters with Long Ears; The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Woods; Aviary; Pianists; Fossils; The Swan; Finale. In 1949 the American poet Ogden Nash wrote a set of humorous verses to accompany each movement. These poems are now often included when the work is performed and usually recited before each piece.

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