3.2 明人內府騶虞圖

卷 絹本設色

Ming dynasty
Hand scroll, ink and colors on silk
51.8cm (H) x 124.8cm (W)(每幅 each)


According to a legend, in the fall of 1404, a tsou-yü appeared in the fief of the Duke of Chou (Chu Su) near the Shen-hou Mountain. Chu Su captured the precious animal and presented it to the Ming emperor Ch’eng-tsu. This painting depicts the tsou-yü from the Shen-hou Mountain, a variety of rarely seen white tigers striped with black, and is believed to be a beast of righteousness who eats no living beings, and its virtue is said to be faith. Therefore, if a tsou-yü appears, it is a good omen of great importance, heralding the reign of a benevolent and faithful emperor. In this handscroll, the colors are beautiful with some outlines painted with gold ink. The dense pine needles with plants and flowers are accompanied by auspicious birds. This refined painting is probably the work of a court artist under the Yongle emperor in the early-15th century.

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