2.10 猴貓圖
Monkey and Cats
易元吉|I Yuan-Chi

宋 Sung dynasty

卷 絹本設色 Handscroll, ink and colors on silk
32cm (H) x 57cm (W)


I Yüan-Chi, a native of what is now Changsha in Hunan, was famed for his paintings of monkeys. This painting depicts a yellow monkey hugging a kitten to its breast, while a small calico kitten that has dodged to one side looks back with angry eyes and yowling mouth, as if intending to rescue its abducted playmate. By contrast, the monkey wears a calm yet mischievous expression, and seems not in the least perturbed. Each hair on the coats of the two kittens is painted by an individual brushstroke, after which color was added to create a blotching effect. The stripes on the calico kitten are painted using light ink, and the different colors of fur are clearly layered. The same technique was also used on the monkey’s coat, which is richer and much more luxuriant, yet tidy and well-organized. The artist possessed exquisite skills that perfectly captured the expressions and interactions of the animals present, creating this vivid work.

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