Section 2 - Delivery, Monitoring and Grading (Classic Quizzes)

Stage 1 - Use Practice Quiz to Deliver a Mock Examination

We suggest teachers use a practice quiz to deliver a mock examination (before the actual examination) to the students. The purpose is to let students get hands-on experience of the whole quiz process. Teachers may also find out issues in advance.

In "Details" of the quiz, select Quiz Type: Practice Quiz.

Then continue to set the quiz other options.

(Note: Practice quizzes are shown in the Quizzes page only and cannot be found in Assignments or the Gradebook because they are not graded assessments.)

Preview and Publish a Practice Quiz

We recommend you to check the practice quiz via Preview before publishing it.

  1. Click the Preview button to check the entire quiz
  2. Click the Publish button if the practice quiz is ready for your students
  3. Use Student View to attempt the practice quiz to find out the real experience of a student
    (Canvas instruction: How do I view a course as a test student using Student View?)
  4. Edit the practice quiz again if you find any issue
    (Note: You are not recommended to edit the quiz settings or the quiz questions once students have started the quiz. Consider building another practice quiz if necessary.)

Give an SEN Student Extra Time for a Mock Examination

Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) may need extra time to complete the mock examination.

In the quiz page,

  1. Click the Moderate This Quiz link
  1. Input the first or family name of the student
  2. Click the Filter button
  3. Click the Edit icon (pencil) on the student record
  4. Input the extra time in minutes
  5. Click the Save button
  6. Repeat step 2 to 6 to provide extra time for another student
  1. Revisit the quiz page
  2. Click the Edit button, then Manage Due Dates and Assign To after scrolling down the next page
    (or click the Assign To button)
  1. Click the Add under Assign to
  1. Input the first and family name of the student and select the right name
  2. Check to see the first "Assign to" box shows "Everyone else" instead of "Everyone"
    (If necessary, close "Everyone" then add "Everyone else".)
  3. Set the quiz available period longer
    • Available from:
      you may input an earlier time for the SEN student
      (Recommendation: Keep this the same for all students)
    • Until:
      you may input a later time for the SEN student
    • Due date:
      adjust this to let the SEN student know when he/she should make the submission
  4. Click the Apply button and Save button

Monitor the Mock Examination

When the practice quiz is available to the students, you can view the status while students are attempting the quiz. In the quiz page, click the Moderate This Quiz link.

On the Moderate Quiz page,

  1. When the student is attempting the quiz, the time remaining will be shown.
  2. When time has expired, Time Up! will be displayed.

(Canvas instruction: Once I publish a quiz, how do I use the Moderate Quiz page?)

(Optional) Give a Student an Extra Quiz Attempt

You may give a student an extra attempt for a mock examination.

In the quiz page,

  1. Click the Moderate This Quiz link
  1. Input the first or family name of the student
  2. Click the Filter button
  3. Click the Edit icon (pencil) on the student record
  4. Input the Extra attempts (e.g. 1)
  5. Click the Save button

View Student Quiz Results After the Completion of the Mock Examination

In the quiz page,

  1. Click the Moderate This Quiz link
  1. Click on the student name, then the submission would be shown

(Note: SpeedGrader, which allows teachers to check and grade student submissions in one place, is not available in a practice quiz.)

Stage 2 - Use Graded Quiz to Conduct an Examination

In "Details" of the quiz, select Quiz Type: Graded Quiz.

Then continue to set the quiz other options.

Preview and Publish a Graded Quiz

We recommend you to check the graded quiz via Preview before publishing it.

  1. Click the Preview button to check the entire quiz
  2. Click the Publish button if the graded quiz is ready for your students
  3. Use Student View to confirm your students have no access to the graded quiz before the available time
    (Canvas instruction: How do I view a course as a test student using Student View?)
  4. Edit the graded quiz again if you find any issue
    (Note: You are not recommended to edit the quiz settings or the quiz questions once students have started the quiz.)

Give an SEN Student Extra Time for the Examination

You may need to provide extra examination time for students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in advance.

In the quiz page,

  1. Click the Moderate This Quiz link
  1. Input the first or family name of the student
  2. Click the Filter button
  3. Click the Edit icon (pencil) on the student record
  4. Input the extra time in minutes
  5. Click the Save button
  6. Repeat step 2 to 6 to provide extra time for another student
  1. Revisit the quiz page
  2. Click the Edit button, then Manage Due Dates and Assign To after scrolling down the next page
    (or click the Assign To button)
  1. Click the Add under Assign to
  1. Input the first and family name of the student and select the right name
  2. Check to see the first "Assign" box shows "Everyone else" instead of "Everyone"
    (If necessary, close "Everyone" then add "Everyone else".)
  3. Set the quiz available period longer
    • Available from:
      you may input an earlier time for the SEN student
      (Recommendation: Keep this the same for all students)
    • Until:
      you may input a later time for the SEN student
    • Due date:
      adjust this to let the SEN student know when he/she should make the submission
  4. Click the Apply button and Save button

Set Grade Posting Policy to Hide Scores Before the Examination

It is recommended that you hide the grades of the published graded quiz so your students will not see the grades immediately after finishing the examination.

  1. Hover over the assessment header, click the Options icon (3-dot)
  2. Click the Grade Posting Policy item
  3. Select the Manually option
  4. Click the Save button

Once a submission has been graded, the quiz header displays the Visibility icon in Grades.

Monitor the Examination

When the examination is available to the students, you can view the status while students are attempting the graded quiz. In the quiz page, click the Moderate This Quiz link.

On the Moderate Quiz page,

  1. When the student is attempting the examination, the running time remaining will be shown.
  2. When time has expired, Time Up! will be displayed.

(Canvas instruction: Once I publish a quiz, how do I use the Moderate Quiz page?)

You may extend the time of the attempt for a student by clicking the clock icon.

View the Results of the Graded Quiz After the Completion of the Examination

In the quiz page, click on the SpeedGrader link to open it. SpeedGrader is used for checking and grading the individual quiz submissions as shown in the below Canvas instruction:

(Optional) Release of Student Examination Scores After Grading

If you like to release the examination scores to students via Canvas, go to the Grades.

  1. Hover over the quiz header, click the Options icon (3-dot)
  2. Click the Post grades

(Canvas instruction: How do I post grades for an assignment in the Gradebook?)