Section 1 - Create a Quiz with the Critical Settings (New Quizzes)
To create a quiz,
- Go to the Quizzes page
- Click on the Add Quiz button
- Select New Quizzes option
- Click the Submit button
Set the Quiz Options
- Input the quiz name
- Enter the Points
- Select the Assignment Group
(click [ New Group ] and create "Examination") - Select Display Grade as Points (recommended)
- Option Do not count this assignment towards the final grade:
Enable for Stage 1 - Mock Examination
Disable for Stage 2 - Actual Examination - Click Manage Due Dates and Assign To, set the fields for the quiz available period then Apply; for more information see:
Set the Available Period of the Quiz - Click the Build button
- Click the Settings tab in the New Quizzes interface
- (Optional) Click to switch on Require a student access code - require students to enter an access code to take the quiz
- Click to switch on the Time limit button, input the time limit using the Hours and Minutes fields
- (Optional) Click to switch on Filter IP addresses - require students to take the quiz from computers with fixed IP addresses, such as those in CSC Teaching Studios
IP address ranges of CSC computer rooms - DO NOT allow multiple attempts
- Click to switch on the Restrict student result view and do not enable all options
Then click the Return button.
(Notes: If there is any technical issue during the quiz, the student may restart the computer and then resume the attempt. However, the countdown timer never stops.)
Add Questions to a Quiz
Revisit the quiz and click on the Build tab in the New Quizzes interface.
To add a question to the quiz, click the Add button.
(Canvas instruction: How do I create an assessment using New Quizzes? > Add Content)
(Optional) Randomize Quiz Questions from an Item Bank
Revisit the quiz to enter the New Quizzes interface.
In the Build tab,
- Click the Option icon (3-dot), then click Manage Item Banks
- Click the Add Bank button
- Input the name of the item bank, then click the Create Bank button
(Note: Please enabled the "Share with [this course]" option.) - Click on your new item bank
- Click the Add New button, select the question type to add
- After adding questions in the item bank, click the Return button
- Click the Item Banks button, then click on the item bank name
- Click on the Add All / Random button
- Click the Close button
- Click the Edit icon (pencil)
- Select Randomly select questions
- Decide how many questions you want Canvas to randomly select from the group *
- Input the number of points assigned to each question #
- Click the Done button
(Canvas instruction: How do I add all items or a random set from an item bank to an assessment in New Quizzes?)
* Note: Picking 5 questions from an item bank of 10 means 5 questions will be randomly selected in each quiz attempt. To randomize only the order of the questions, pick all questions (i.e. pick 10 questions from a question group of 10).
# Note: All questions in an item bank are worth the same points. Create different question groups if your questions are worth different points. For example, pick 10 MCs in item bank A with 1 point for each and pick 3 essay questions in item bank B with 10 points for each.
Set the Available Period of the Quiz
Find the quiz you want to edit on the Quizzes page, click the Options icon (3-dot) and then Edit.
In the step i of Set the Quiz Options, you have set the time limit by entering the number of minutes for a quiz attempt in the New Quizzes interface.
(Note: If your students are taking the timed quiz, the timer on the top panel shows the remaining time and counts down until time expires.)
Set the quiz available period.
- Available From: The date and time when the quiz will become available for students to access
- Until: The date and time where all existing quiz attempts will be submitted by the system automatically
- Due: The date and time when students should complete the quiz
(Note: Please make sure the available period is longer than the time limit.)
For example, you may set the available period of a 3-hour quiz (time limit = 180 minutes) as 2:00 pm to 5:15 pm on 4 May. Your students will have different time limits depending on when they start the quiz.
Start Time | Running Time | Auto Submit |
2:05pm | 3 hours | 5:05pm |
2:20pm | 2 hours 55 minutes | 5:15pm |
4:48pm | 27 minutes | 5:15pm |
(Note: You are recommended to make the quiz available 15 minutes earlier if Respondus LockDown Browser is enabled, i.e. making the quiz available from 1:45 pm to 5:15 pm in this example. Each quiz attempt will last for 180 minutes or less.)
To save the settings, click the Apply and then Save button.