Section 1 - Create a Quiz with the Critical Settings (New Quizzes)

To create a quiz,

  1. Go to the Quizzes page
  2. Click on the Add Quiz button
  3. Select New Quizzes option
  4. Click the Submit button

Set the Quiz Options

  1. Input the quiz name
  2. Enter the Points
  3. Select the Assignment Group
    (click [ New Group ] and create "Examination")
  4. Select Display Grade as Points (recommended)
  5. Option Do not count this assignment towards the final grade:
    Enable for Stage 1 - Mock Examination
    Disable for Stage 2 - Actual Examination
  6. Click Manage Due Dates and Assign To, set the fields for the quiz available period then Apply; for more information see:
    Set the Available Period of the Quiz
  7. Click the Build button
  1. Click the Settings tab in the New Quizzes interface
  2. (Optional) Click to switch on Require a student access code - require students to enter an access code to take the quiz
  3. Click to switch on the Time limit button, input the time limit using the Hours and Minutes fields
  4. (Optional) Click to switch on Filter IP addresses - require students to take the quiz from computers with fixed IP addresses, such as those in CSC Teaching Studios
    IP address ranges of CSC computer rooms
  5. DO NOT allow multiple attempts
  6. Click to switch on the Restrict student result view and do not enable all options

Then click the Return button.

(Notes: If there is any technical issue during the quiz, the student may restart the computer and then resume the attempt. However, the countdown timer never stops.)

Add Questions to a Quiz

Revisit the quiz and click on the Build tab in the New Quizzes interface.

To add a question to the quiz, click the Add button.

(Canvas instruction: How do I create an assessment using New Quizzes? > Add Content)

(Optional) Randomize Quiz Questions from an Item Bank

Revisit the quiz to enter the New Quizzes interface.

In the Build tab,

  1. Click the Option icon (3-dot), then click Manage Item Banks
  1. Click the Add Bank button
  2. Input the name of the item bank, then click the Create Bank button
    (Note: Please enabled the "Share with [this course]" option.)
  3. Click on your new item bank
  1. Click the Add New button, select the question type to add
  2. After adding questions in the item bank, click the Return button
  1. Click the Item Banks button, then click on the item bank name
  1. Click on the Add All / Random button
  2. Click the Close button
  1. Click the Edit icon (pencil)
  2. Select Randomly select questions
  3. Decide how many questions you want Canvas to randomly select from the group *
  4. Input the number of points assigned to each question #
  5. Click the Done button

(Canvas instruction: How do I add all items or a random set from an item bank to an assessment in New Quizzes?)

* Note: Picking 5 questions from an item bank of 10 means 5 questions will be randomly selected in each quiz attempt. To randomize only the order of the questions, pick all questions (i.e. pick 10 questions from a question group of 10).

# Note: All questions in an item bank are worth the same points. Create different question groups if your questions are worth different points. For example, pick 10 MCs in item bank A with 1 point for each and pick 3 essay questions in item bank B with 10 points for each.

Set the Available Period of the Quiz

Find the quiz you want to edit on the Quizzes page, click the Options icon (3-dot) and then Edit.

In the step i of Set the Quiz Options, you have set the time limit by entering the number of minutes for a quiz attempt in the New Quizzes interface.
(Note: If your students are taking the timed quiz, the timer on the top panel shows the remaining time and counts down until time expires.)

Set the quiz available period.

  • Available From: The date and time when the quiz will become available for students to access
  • Until: The date and time where all existing quiz attempts will be submitted by the system automatically
  • Due: The date and time when students should complete the quiz

(Note: Please make sure the available period is longer than the time limit.)

For example, you may set the available period of a 3-hour quiz (time limit = 180 minutes) as 2:00 pm to 5:15 pm on 4 May. Your students will have different time limits depending on when they start the quiz.

Start Time Running Time Auto Submit
2:05pm 3 hours 5:05pm
2:20pm 2 hours 55 minutes 5:15pm
4:48pm 27 minutes 5:15pm

(Note: You are recommended to make the quiz available 15 minutes earlier if Respondus LockDown Browser is enabled, i.e. making the quiz available from 1:45 pm to 5:15 pm in this example. Each quiz attempt will last for 180 minutes or less.)

To save the settings, click the Apply and then Save button.