1. Core Courses (at least 19 credit units)
Students are required to take at least 19 credit units of
core courses, in which at most 6 credits can be chosen from the EMBA(PPP)
programme subject to the approval of Programme Director or Associate Programme Director. |
All courses are approved to be delivered in Chinese (Putonghua).Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
FB5800P | Leadership Positioning (Orientation) | 1 | | FB5802P | Managerial Economics | 2 | | FB5803P | Financial Reporting and Analysis for Decision Making | 2 | | FB5804P | Corporate Finance | 2 | | FB5806P | Challenges in Marketing | 2 | | FB5807P | Management Information Systems | 2 | | FB6811P | Strategic Management | 2 | | FB6815P | Leadership in Action Workshop | 1 | | FB6838P | Current Challenges in Leadership | 2 | |
Choose [FB6816P/FB6843P] or FB6812P or FB6813PCourse Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
FB6816P | Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management | 3 | FB6843P | Global Organizations Benchmarking Field Study | 3 | FB6812P | EMBA Project | 4 | FB6813P | Executive Consultancy Mission (Residential Trip) | 4 |
2. Electives (20 - 21 credit units) A list of electives from the following will be drawn up for selection of students each year and students are required to take 20 - 21 credit units, in which at most 6 credits can be chosen from the EMBA (PPP) programme, subject to approval of the Programme Director or Associate Programme Director. |
All courses are approved to be delivered in Chinese (Putonghua).Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
FB5801P | Organizational Behaviour | 2 | FB5805P | Managing Operations for Competitive Advantage | 2 | FB5808P | Interdisciplinary Discovery | 1 | FB6816P | Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management | 3 | FB6821P | Current Challenges in China Business | 2 | FB6840P | Customer Experience Management | 2 | FB6843P | Global Organizations Benchmarking Field Study | 3 | FB6844P | Contemporary Business Topics / Issues | 1 | FB6850P | Big Data Technologies and Business Applications | 2 | FB6853P | IPO, and Mergers & Acquisitions | 2 | FB6854P | Social Media Marketing | 2 | FB6855P | Business Intelligence and Strategic Decision Making | 2 | FB6856P | Global Business | 2 | FB6857P | Topics in Business Law | 1 | FB6858P | Strategic Transformation and Corporate Entrepreneurship | 1 | FB6861P | Behavioural Decision-making Workshop | 1 | FB6862P | Derivatives and Applications | 1 | FB6863P | Portfolio Management and Security Analysis | 1 | FB6865P | Compensation Management and High-performance Team Development | 1 | FB6867P | Consumer Behavior | 1 | FB6868P | Electronic Commerce | 2 | FB6869P | Stress and Emotion Management | 1 | FB6870P | Strategic Marketing in China | 1 | FB6871P | Corporate Governance–Internal Mechanisms | 1 | FB6873P | Corporate Governance–External Mechanisms and China Practice | 1 | FB6874P | Business Strategy of Sustainable Growth in the Digital Era | 1 | FB6875P | Strategic Management and Innovation | 1 | FB6876P | Thinking & Practice of Sustainable Business | 1 | FB6879P | Mainland China’s Capital Market and Security Analysis | 1 | FB6880P | Global Marketing | 1 | FB6881P | Artificial Intelligence and Business Applications | 2 | FB6882P | Psychology: Insight into the People’s Heart | 1 | FB6888P | New Perspectives of Managerial Psychology | 1 | FB6889P | Risk Assessment and Commercial Dispute Resolution | 1 | FB6890P | Sustainable Finance | 1 | FB6891P | Talent Management | 1 | FB6893P | Creativity for Business Executives | 1 | FB6894P | ESG and Sustainability | 2 | FB6895P | Leadership Resilience and Sustainability—Field Study | 2 | FB6896P | Strategies for Building Resilient Enterprises | 1 | FB6897P | The Wisdom of Great Leaders | 1 |
3. Additional Notes:
Students to be awarded an EMBA degree must
fulfill the university's degree requirements.
A minimum attendance requirement of 70%
may be prescribed as part of the coursework assessment for courses of the EMBA
programme at the discretion of individual lecturers.
Learning Approach:
Experiential learning approach is used to
facilitate students to explore and innovate business solutions to solve
real-life problems. Instead of using a static learning environment to gain
business insights, students are exposed to real dynamic business environment to
discover how their business knowledge should be adapted to different industries
and cultures and how to innovate new practical solutions. Students are given the
opportunities to work as teams to solve issues of selected cases. To innovate
new business solutions, students will benchmark “best” practices from
diversified industries in Hong Kong, mainland China and globally. |