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2023CCCL Lecture Series: Histories of International Law: Chinese and Global Perspectives (in partnership with Wuhan University School of Law and Fudan University School of Law) [Backgrounder]
24.10.2023CCCL講座:新加坡企業及個人投融資熱點架構及法律問題解析 [Flyer]
20.10.2023CCCL seminar: Comparative Regulation of Cryptocurrencies in Hong Kong and Singapore [Flyer]
28.09.2023CCCL Young Scholar Forum: Examining the English Necessary Interest Rule in the Charitable Trust Setting [Flyer]
27.07.2023CCCL Research Talk: The Refusal to License Intellectual Property as an Antitrust Violation in China: How Should the Current Approach be Improved? [Flyer]
29.06.2023CCCL Young Scholar Forum: Reconsideration of Imperial Monarch in Song China from a Comparative Perspective [Flyer]
16.06.2023Revolution and the Introduction of Marxist theory of International Law to China [Flyer]
26.05.2023CCCL Seminar by Visiting Researcher: Collaborative administrative power in the Italian experience [Flyer]
19.05.2023The Opening Up and Reform Policy and China’s Re-engagement with the International Legal Order [Flyer]
12.05.2023CCCL Distinguished Lecture: The End of the Cold War, German unification and the constitutional transformation of Europe [Flyer]
Past Events |
17.09.2024“CCCL Guest Seminar: Law & Political Economy in China's New Era [Flyer]
23.05.2024“Ai Sun Yanzi” Doing Covers:
Copyright Infringement or Data Law Violation in China? [Flyer]
28.03.2024CCCL Guest Seminar: Introduction on Empirical (Qualitative) Research Methods [Flyer]
13.11.2023裁判視角下的中國大陸法院、法官與司法制度 [Flyer]
04.05.2023JERI&CCCL: 中國為什麼需要實踐法學話語體系 [Flyer]
28.04.2023Lecture Series: China and the ‘Third World’ in International Law - On Bandung and Beyond [Flyer]
26.04.2023JERI&CCCL: Dialogue with LOCPG Legal Director [Flyer]
25.04.2023CCCL Distinguished Lecture: Vitoria and Carl Schmitt: Friends or Foes? [Flyer]
30.03.2023CCCL Lecture Series: Early Efforts by the Qing's Dynasty to use International Law for the Protetion of the Chinese Diaspora [Flyer]
27.03.2023CCCL Distinguished Lecture: What Has Opera To Do with International Law? [Flyer]
27.03.2023CCCL Young Scholar Forum: Who is actually protected by labor provisions in FTAs and BITs? [Flyer]
22.02.2023CCCL Legal Research Talk: Introduction to Empirical Law and Economics by Dr. Martin Lai [Flyer]
21.02.2023CCCL Distinguished Lecture: The Legal History of International Power: Sovereignty & Property [Flyer]
17.02.2023CCCL Lecture Series: Historicism and Chinese Translations of International Law in Late Qing China [Flyer]
15.02.2023CCCL Legal Research Talk: Writing Doctorate Thesis – Research Experience of an SJD by Dr. Huang Tao [Flyer]
13.01.2023CCCL Lecture Series: In the Garden of Gethsemene: US-Sino Relations in the History of International Law during the Republican Period [Flyer]
29.12.2022CCCL Young Scholar Forum: China’s Participation in the International Commercial Dispute Resolution Mechanism, under the context of the Belt and Road Initiative [Flyer]
23.12.2022CCCL Young Scholar Forum: Call for Abstract [Flyer]
16.12.2022CCCL Lecture Series: China and the Turn to the National Histories of International Law [Flyer]
11.11.2022CCCL Distinguished Public Lecture: Interpretation of Contracts by Emeritus Professor Ewan McKendrick [Flyer]
02.11.2022International Economic Law in the Era of Great Power Rivalry [Flyer]
01.11.2022JERI&CCCL: Workshop on Judicial Reform in China: Looking Back, Looking Forward [Flyer]
14.10.2022CCCL&CJER Seminar: Meeting Chinese Judges: Courts, Adjudicators, and Judicial Life [Flyer]
05.10.2022The Polar Silk Road and the Future Governance of Northern Sea Route by Dr. Liu Nengye [Flyer]
29.09.2022CCCL Young Scholar Forum: Output Effect of Private Antitrust Enforcement by Dr. Martin LAI [Flyer]
28.09.2022CCCL Seminar: Practising Business Law in the Hong Kong and mainland Cross Border Environment [Flyer]
05.08.2022Virtual Book Launch: “Court-Supervised Restructuring of Large Distressed Companies in Asia" by Prof Wai Yee Wan [Flyer]
29.03.2022CCCL Seminar: Introduction to Empirical Legal Research [Flyer]
29.03.2022Academic Roundtable: Insolvency Law and Policy in Times of COVID-19 and Beyond [Flyer]
22.03.2022CCCL Seminar: Professional English Writing Skills for Non-Native Speakers [Flyer]
25.01.2022CJER &CCCL Seminar: Internet Courts in Mainland China [Flyer]
17.12.2021CCCL Seminar: Revising Chinese Company Law (again): Academic Debates and Legislative Considerations [Flyer]
03.12.2021CCCL Public Lecture: Multilateral Trading System and the Future of International Economic Law: Implications for Rule of Law in China [Flyer]
26.11.2021Regulating Cyberspace and Informatization in China: An Academic Critique of Recent Legislations [Flyer]
18.11.2021CCCL Seminar: China’s Engagement with international judicial dispute settlement: will non-appearance be the new normal? [Flyer]
10.11.2021CCCL Seminar: Meeting Chinese Judges: Courts, Adjudicators, and Judicial Life [Flyer]
09.11.2021CCCL Seminar: Overseas Listing of Chinese Companies: “Homecoming” Opportunities for Hong Kong by Lan Jie [Flyer]
26.10.2021CCCL Chinese Law for student series: A Virtual Tour of Huawei: Technologies, Ownership, and Corporate Governance [Flyer]
04.03.2021International Online Symposium on Sino-Indian Border Disputes: A Dialogue between International Law and International Relations [Backgrounder] [Programme]
30.11.2020International Symposium on “The Rule of Law in Chinese Foreign Affairs” [Programme]
11.09.2020「港區國家安全法理論與實踐」學術研討會 (International Symposium on “The National Security Law of Hong Kong: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives)
[Flyer in English] [Flyer in Chinese] 28.07.2020How Has COVID-19 (Re)Shaped Government-Business Relations in Asia? (organized by RCCL in partnership with the Centre for Asian Legal Studies of the Faculty of Law of National University of Singapore)
12.06.2020International Symposium on COVID-19 and Models of Governance in East Asia and the World (新冠肺炎疫情與東亞治理模式國際研討會)
[Flyer in English] [Flyer in Chinese] [Programme] [Video] 07.06.2020中國民法典網上研討會(Online Symposium on Chinese Civil Code)
[Flyer in English] [Flyer in Chinese] [Programme] [Video] 05.06.2020「香港特區維護國家安全法」網上研討會 (Online Symposium on “National Security Legislation of the HKSAR”)
[Flyer in English] [Flyer in Chinese] 22.05.2020"新冠肺炎疫情、國際法與疫後國際秩序" 網上座談會 (Online Workshop on “Covid-19, International Law and the Post-Pandemic International Order")
[Flyer in Chinese] [Flyer in English] [Programme] 04.03.2020[取消] 毋愛斌, "中國“執行難”背後的數位邏輯"
26.02.2020[取消] 郭志京,“香港丁屋政策與內地宅基地制度的比較與啟示”
25.02.2020[取消] 龍翼飛,“中國民法典婚姻家庭編制度創新的法理思想重塑”