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Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law

Professor Julien Chaisse quoted in the Financial Times’ fDi Intelligence on the rising threat of cyber attacks in the global digital economy


In the article, Professor Julien Chaisse contextualizes the impact of cyber attacks on foreign direct investment (FDI), particularly in small or developing countries. He underscores that such countries face additional challenges in attracting FDI due to increased vulnerabilities to cyber threats. His argument is that countries like Costa Rica or Albania might find it more difficult to attract foreign investment due to these cybersecurity concerns. They must, therefore, exert extra effort to assure investors about their cybersecurity measures. Chaisse’s perspective highlights a crucial aspect: the correlation between a country’s cyber resilience and its economic development level. This emphasizes the need for these countries to enhance their cybersecurity infrastructure not only to protect their own digital assets but also to maintain and grow their appeal to foreign investors.

Read the full article here: Danielle Myles, Waking up to cyber risks, Financial Times fDi Intelligence, October 16, 2023 < >