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Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law

Professor Julien Chaisse quoted in the Nikkei Asia on how Hong Kong’s arbitration system, which is meant to offer a neutral platform for resolving disagreements, unintentionally helps companies that face sanctions to continue their operations


Professor Julien Chaisse, an associate member of CCCL, commented on the fact that Russian companies are increasingly using Hong Kong for dispute arbitration due to Western sanctions from the Ukraine conflict. Previously favoring London's courts, they're now opting for Hong Kong's neutral stance on sanctions. The shift aids these companies in enforcing contracts worldwide, potentially undermining Western sanctions' effectiveness. However, Russian legislation and skepticism about Hong Kong's neutrality could hinder this trend. Western firms have already been relocating dispute resolutions to Singapore amid concerns about Hong Kong's judicial independence.

Read the full article here: Pak Yiu and Echo Wong, Russian companies move legal battles to Hong Kong courts, The Nikkei, August 3, 2023 < >