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Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law

Professor Julien Chaisse Quoted in Tuổi Trẻon the significance of the APEC Leaders' meetings this year, as we faced economic issues and even geopolitical competitions between big powers (US-China and Russia-the West)


Professor Julien Chaisse, an associate member of CCCL, explains that the event takes place at a vulnerable time in world affairs, marked by geopolitical conflicts and economic challenges. In 1990, 41.7% of the APEC population lived below the poverty line and this figure has now fallen to 1.8% in 2022. And, the decrease in the number of extremely poor people is largely the result of China's impressive economic development. Trade and investment between APEC economies has increased from 45.2% to 67.9% of their current total trade.
Read the full article here: Nhật Đăng, The APEC Leaders' Week in Thailand, Al Jazeera, November 19, 2022 <  >