Professor Julien Chaisse, an associate member of CCCL, explains that ca company like TSMC is effectively expanding in US but also in other countries. TSMC has begun construction of a mega-factory in Arizona, in the western United States, and recently announced the upcoming construction of the first-ever semiconductor fab in Japan in cooperation with Japanese giant Sony. Taiwan will not lose its silicon shield if it keeps building these fabs outside of Taiwan; on the contrary, this will reinforce its leadership and TSMC market shares and profitability.
Read the full article here: Yip Wai Yee, Is Taiwan losing its ‘silicon shield’? TSMC engineers relocate to US, sparking brain drain fears, The Strait Times, December 15, 2022 < https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/taiwan-semiconductor-talents-relocate-to-us-sparking-brain-drain-fears >