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Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law

Professor Julien Chaisse quoted in the Nikkei Asia on the challenges facing Vietnam’s manufacturing sector amid global supply chain shifts


The piece highlighted the downturn in Vietnam’s factories and the transition of supply chains from China, noting Vietnam’s less than anticipated benefits despite its growing role in electronics and textile industries. Professor Chaisse delved into the legal and economic consequences of these shifts, focusing on the intricacies of international trade agreements and investment protections amidst global manufacturing relocations. He pointed out the potential of digital technologies in enhancing supply chain processes and efficiently resolving arising disputes. His analysis is particularly pertinent in light of Vietnam’s 10% drop in exports, a stark contrast to the previous year’s growth, underscoring the significant legal and economic impacts of these supply chain changes, especially in the Southeast Asian region.

Read the full article here: Lien Hoang, Vietnam’s factory doldrums show limits of shift out of China, The Nikkei, September 15, 2023 < >