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Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law

Professor Julien Chaisse has written an opinion piece in Financier Worldwide Magazine, the premier publication focusing on corporate finance and board-level business matters, discussing the pressing need for companies, particularly in the financial sector, to bolster their data management and security frameworks amidst growing cyber security threats, to prevent potential data breaches that could lead to significant financial and reputational harm


Professor Julien Chaisse emphasises the criticality of a multifaceted approach in mitigating these risks, including technical safeguards such as robust encryption and intrusion-detection systems, comprehensive employee training programmes, and a board-level commitment to a proactive cyber security culture. Complying with stringent data protection regulations such as the GDPR and NIS is not only mandatory but underlines the necessity for ongoing vigilance and adaptability to secure sensitive data, uphold trust, and avert severe financial repercussions.Read the full article here: Julien Chaisse, Shielding the treasure trove: cyber security strategies for preserving corporate finances, Financier Worldwide Magazine, August 25, 2023 < >