Mandy Lo Ying-tung

Bachelor of Science in Creative Media
Producer, SIG Playful Media Showcase 2022 and 2023

“I grew in confidence by producing the SIG Playful Media Showcase. ”

Mandy Lo (front row, 4th from right) was one of the producers of the SIG Media Playful Media Showcase 2023.
Mandy Lo (right) gave a speech at the opening ceremony for the SIG Media Playful Media Showcase 2023.

Like many from Generation Z, Mandy was fascinated by digital creative works and video games from a young age because of easy access to the internet and portable digital technology.

Mandy initially planned to study computer science at university, but she changed her mind after attending a talk by Mr Yim Chun-pang, former course leader of the Bachelor of Science in Creative Media at CityUHK's School of Creative Media and an alumnus of her secondary school. Mandy was inspired and excited to discover that this programme combined her interests in creativity and computer science, which motivated her to enrol.

Mandy loves Japanese variety shows such as VS Arashi, Nogizaka Koujichuu and Monday Late Show because of the fun and exciting content and the eye-catching visuals, which showcase Japan’s unique aesthetics and creativity. In one of her projects, she used digital means to re-create the classic “rock, paper, scissors” within a popular Japanese game, which greatly satisfied her.

Mandy is active in school events. She was one of the producers of the student show SIG Playful Media Showcase for two consecutive years, an experience that inspired her to step out of her comfort zone, sharpen her organisational skills and expand her social circle.

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