Foreword from President
What is CRESDA ?

Universities offer a wealth of learning opportunities on and off campus. Without suitable tools, students often find it difficult to keep track of their activities and soft skills development. To address this need, educators at CityU spearheaded by Professor Horace Ip, Vice-President (Student Affairs), designed and launched a mobile-friendly platform in 2016, Central Repository on Student Development Activities (CRESDA), which is the first online central repository of student development activities in a university setting in Hong Kong.

CRESDA helps students to find out about, enrol in and record their participation in student development activities. It also enhances their career planning and employability by recording their soft skills development activities and outcomes neatly and systematically under one cyber roof. The data captured by CRESDA can be used by CityU staff to enhance their programme planning, design and promotion. It is also worth its weight in gold in terms of big data analytics and strategic planning from the University’s perspective.


Student Development Activity Records


Participation Hours

*Data accumulated from 2016 to 2020