Foreword from President
Quality Assurance for Student Development Activities & Programmes

Under the leadership of Professor Horace Ip, Vice-President (Student Affairs), the Quality Assurance Team (Student Development) (OVPSA QAT) was set up in October 2019 to provide central coordination for programme administration, assessment, evaluation, and sharing of data for all student development activities/events/programmes organised by OVPSA, its line offices and sub-units. Regular reviews will be conducted to ensure programme quality in terms of administration and effectiveness. Systematic assessment process will be developed and conducted to assess whether the organised programmes can successfully achieve the Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) and address their respective Graduate Attributes. To obtain more comprehensive quality assurance assessment results, OVPSA QAT members will participate in the organised activities/events/programmes to conduct fieldwork assessments.

Meanwhile, OVPSA Quality Assurance (Student Development) e-Platform has been launched in August 2020 for the purpose of data recording and analytics. Programme details, financial planning and assessment results will be archived in the repository.

The ultimate goal of OVPSA QAT is to close the loop of the quality assurance process by disseminating quality assurance results and making recommendations for improving the planning and execution of future activities/events/programmes.