Foreword from President
Foreword from Dean of Students

CityUnique showcases the achievements of Office of the Vice-President (Student Affairs) in providing student support and services from 2015 to 2020. It not only introduces various student development activities and services that aim to promote the all-round development of students, but it also celebrates students’ success and achievements.

Office of the Vice-President (Student Affairs) strives to provide a wide array of student development activities and services, with the aim of developing and nurturing students’ talent. For instance, Career and Leadership Centre has been organising careers festival and recruitment talks to help our graduates prepare for their job landing; Student Life and Resources Section runs a number of service-learning and leadership programmes according to students’ needs and interest; Counselling Service provides students with various types of counselling services and a variety of workshops in order to promote positive well-being and mental health; Physical Education Section manages wellness and sports programmes that encourage students to incorporate physical activity into their daily routine; and Student Residence Office, Chinese Civilisation Centre and Cultural and Sports Committee organise hall events and cultural events respectively, giving students a memorable experience at CityU. The list goes on and on. I am sure that students are able to find some activities that interest them, thereby allowing their talent to shine through!

Every student has a great deal of potential waiting to be realised, and joining student development activities is the first step to foster their all-round development. Moving forward, let us continue to make an effort in enabling our students to explore their selves and embrace their unlimited possibilities!

Professor Eric Chui
Dean of Students