Foreword from President
CityU’s “Exercise is Medicine On Campus” Campaign Wins Top International Recognition

South China Morning Post 26/06/2020

Many members in the CityU Community embrace the campaign and elevate their physical fitness and mental well-being by taking up regular exercise.

This year marks a major milestone for CityU’s dynamic “Exercise is Medicine On Campus” (EIM-OC) programme: the University has received a Gold Campus Award for 2020 by the programme’s co-organisers, the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Medical Association. The Gold level designation is for universities and colleges which implement a referral system whereby campus healthcare providers evaluate the physical activity level among students and refer them, if necessary, to a qualified fitness professional.

In alignment with the University’s firm resolve to promote regular physical exercise among its students and staff, EIM-OC Task Force (the task force) was launched in 2016 by Professor Horace Ip, Vice-President (Student Affairs) to coordinate the participation and collaboration by all of its departments, schools and units. CityU won Silver Campus Awards in 2017 and 2019 and a Gold Campus Award in 2020, which attributes CityU’s success to the concerted efforts by all the collaborating departments as well as the enthusiastic participation by the students, staff and alumni. “ We have transformed and scaled up our original “Wellness March” initiative into the more systematic “Wellness for All” campaign. All-round holistic and diverse recreational and sports activities are held on and off campus throughout the year,” says Professor Ip.

The chairperson of the task force, Dr Patrick Chan Ping-cheung, Associate Director of CityU Student Development Services (Physical Education), has formed and led committees including the Wellness for All Organising Committee and the CityU Delegation – Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon Organising Committee to organise a series of ongoing activities throughout the year, including physical fitness courses, health and fitness assessments, etc. “It is a fine tradition that CityU always cares about the wellness of students, staff and alumni. To echo with the aim of EIM-OC in promoting regular exercise, we hope to encourage members of the CityU Community to develop healthy habits through various activities,” Dr Chan emphasises. The Committees have also leveraged technology to further mobilise the CityU Community and the general public to step up their fitness regimes. They have launched the “CityU Walk” mobile application, which helps users to monitor their physical activity levels by providing such data as step count and calories burned.

Regular exercise is the key to uplifting vitality and energy levels. They help strengthen our immune system and keep illnesses at bay. Through several initiatives, CityU’s Physical Education Section and its on-campus medical clinic have further elevated their ongoing collaboration to promote the benefits of regular exercise among students by leveraging their professional expertise. Dr Charles Chan Wen-cheng, GP, Director of the CityU on-campus medical clinic says all students taking part in the body check exercise will receive a questionnaire when the new academic year begins in September. “The objective is to enhance our understanding of students’ existing patterns of physical activity, frequency and intensity. We will also take the opportunity to promote the EIM-OC programme among them,” Dr Chan notes. “Under CityU’s health maintenance work protocol, the on-campus medical clinic incorporates recommendation of physical activity and exercise plans into the medical consultations. To help patients, who do not exercise regularly or suffer from chronic diseases, improve their physical wellness, our healthcare professionals will recommend them to take up moderate exercise and gradually increase the intensity.”

Franciska Maric has flourished under CityU’s EIM-OC programme. She is a member of CityU’s Athletic Team, captain of the Cross Country Team, and a student runner of the CityU President Run Team in the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon. “I am very happy that CityU has won the EIM-OC Gold Campus Award. Many students and staff at the University have found it easier to acknowledge the importance of exercising and healthy lifestyle in general,” she says. “Many exercise programmes engage groups of participants. It enables individuals to become a part of the healthy community and motivate them to do physical activities more often. My participation in these programmes also keeps me motivated. They have enabled me to enhance my understanding of the health benefits of exercise and organic food. I look forward to participating in more recreational and sports activities in the future.”

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