Postgraduate Career Services


Start your Career Journey today!

Our services are designed to assist current Taught Postgraduate (TPG) and Research Postgraduate students (RPG) of City University of Hong Kong to develop their career advancement from University study to actual workplace.


We aim at engaging, empowering and supporting postgraduate students as they explore and create career life goals and personal pursuits through integrated career developmental programmes. Working with strategic partners of experienced local consulting agencies, we offer career education, training and experiential opportunities, which foster our students' career clarity and build their job seeking skills and lifelong competencies.


Latest News

Career Services

  1. Career Preparatory Workshops
    • Semester A Schedule (Sep - Nov 2023) [Here]
    • Semester B Schedule (Jan - Apr 2024) [Here]
  2. One-on-One Career Consultation
    • Make Registration [Here]
    • View Guidelines & Booking Rules [Here]


About Us

Services Targets:
We serve all current Taught Postgraduate and Research Postgraduate students of City University of Hong Kong.

Objectives of Career Services:

  • To explore students' interests and career preferences by means of valid and reliable psychometric inventories / assessment tools;
  • To enable students to understand better their personal interests, values, skills and motivations for developing a fruitful university life;
  • To help students make a tentative development plan and engage them in whole person development or career-related programmes;
  • To enhance students' self-confidence in career choices and job search.



Registration of the following events / activities are available at AIMS > Student Services > CRESDA System, CityUHK.

If you have any enquiry on the programme details, please refer to the promotional materials or CAP announcement.


  • Self-Discovery & Career Planning
    Understand yourself and identify your career interests / work styles


  • Industries Exploration
    Understand the business nature, job market, and career prospect in different industries


  • Transferrable Skills in Workplace
    Enhance soft skills on workplace communication and requirements


  • Job Hunting Skills Training
    Equip skills and gear up for job seeking


News and Announcement

Follow us on:

  1. CLC IG [Here]
  2. SDS Mobile App [Here
  3. CityU Announcement Portal at 5 pm everyday
  4. WeChat Group - (please email CLC PG Career Service with your full name, programme name, email address, Student ID number to be included in the groups) 
  5. CityU e-notice boards/ general notice boards


Contact Us

Please come and make an appointment to talk with our staff and career advisors. You will find the best resources here to excel yourself in career development.

Our Location



Postgraduate Career Service

Office Address

Room R6047, 6/F,
Bank of China (HK) Complex,
City University of Hong Kong,
83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong,
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday   09:00 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:30
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday    Closed


General Enquiry

Tel: (852) 3442 5591
Fax: (852) 3442 0230

Contact PG Career Service Team

Career & Employability Consultant – Ms. Heidy Wan

3442 7469 |

Career Development Officer – Mr. Adam Pun

3442 6519 |


Assistant Career Development Officer – Miss. Camellia Li

3442 8770 |