Industry Exploratory Series (IES)


Industry Exploratory Series is a brand new and unique opportunity for students to gain invaluable insights into various industries through company visits and industry insight talks. 


The series aims to bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world industry experiences, providing students with a deeper understanding of different sectors and career paths. Through fruitful company visits, CityUHK students gain chances to step inside leading organizations and witness first-hand how to operate, interact with industry professionals, and gain latest market insights into the industry's inner workings. 


Additionally, the industry insight sharing will bring industry experts and thought leaders to the forefront, sharing their expertise, knowledge, experiences, and career advice. CityUHK Students have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions, ask sensible questions, and broaden their perspectives on the future trends of various industries.



The IES helps CityUHK students to

  • Develop professional image
  • Identify career interests
  • Explore personal potentials, technical knowledge and essential soft skills
  • Understand work nature and professional requirements of specific industries
  • Expand professional network while meeting professionals and industry leaders




  • All CityUHK Students, local and non-local undergraduates and postgraduates from all disciplines and years are welcome 
  • Requirements: Willing to step out of comfort zones, go extra miles, strike for career excellence, get a taste of current market landscape
  • Visit Schedule: Sep 2024 – May 2025
  • Medium of instruction: English



Upcoming Coming Visits

Please stay tuned for announcements via CAP and CLC Instagram page.



Past Company Visits

Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks (HKSTP)

Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC)










Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)

Customs Headquarters Building Visit



Programme PIC - Career and Leadership Centre

Ms. Heidy Wan, Careers and Employability Consultant - (852) 3442 7469 /
Miss Karmen To, Assistant Career Development Officer - (852) 3442 5317 /



General Enquiry | 3442-5591
Instagram: @cityuclc | Facebook: @Career and Leadership Centre, SDS, CityU