Scholarships / Prizes at a glance
To recognize students' academic and non-academic achievement, the University offers various types of scholarships and prizes which are donated by individuals, private organizations, professional bodies or academic departments. In general, the award value varies and it may range from HK$5,000 to HK$100,000 each. To have an overview of the List of Scholarships and Internship Awards, please click here.
The majority of scholarships and prizes are awarded to students based on their academic performance and the awards shall be granted to students through nomination by their respective Colleges/Schools/Academic Departments. Current students with outstanding academic performance may also be nominated for "CityUHK Scholarship" and "HKSAR Government Scholarship", "Hong Kong Jockey Club Undergraduate Scholarship" which are renewable subjected to students' continued good academic performance.
For non-final year undergraduate students who would like to study overseas, they can apply for "HSBC Overseas Scholarship".
The University will identify high caliber students with outstanding academic and/or non-academic achievement for the entrance scholarships upon successful admission; students do not have to submit application separately. Entrance Scholarships are available for both local students and non-local students.
For non-academic awards, such as Community Service Awards, Outbound Exchange Scholarships, Sports Scholarships, Fang Brothers Whole Person Development Scholarships and FANs Awards, Student Development Services (SDS) will invite nominations from respective College/School/Department and/or put up notices and publicize through e-mail and CityUHK Announcement Portal (CAP) from time to time to invite applications. The details of scholarships which are currently available for application can be found here.
In addition, commencing from 2012, the HKSAR Government has offered two award schemes, namely Talent Development Scholarship (TDS) and Reaching Out Award (ROA), to recognise outstanding UGC-funded full-time students with demonstrable achievements or talent in non-academic areas and to provide support for students to participate in overseas learning, service projects, field/study trip or attend courses, etc. For details, please click here.
Students can view the latest details of the scholarships and prizes, including the regulations, eligibility, maximum number of award, award value, awarding process and the application deadline, from the Scholarship and Financial Aid (SFA) system via AIMS under the following steps.
To view the catalogue of SFA records
- select "Scholarship and Financial Aid" menu from "Student Services" via AIMS: https://banweb.cityu.edu.hk/
- Student Services (Tab) > Scholarship and Financial Aid (Menu item) > SFA Catalogue
To view personal SFA records
- select "Scholarship and Financial Aid Records" menu from "Personal Information" via AIMS Personal Information (Tab) > Scholarship and Financial Aid Records
For Alumni of CityUHK, they may view their "Scholarship and Financial Aid Records" via AIMS under the menu of "Alumni Services".
To view the list of available scholarships and prizes for nominations/ applications
- select "SFA Scholarship and Prize Nomination/Application" menu from "Student Services" via AIMS
- Student Services (Tab) > SFA Scholarship and Prize Nomination/Application
For what's new in Scholarships, please click here.
Email: sdsfinance@cityu.edu.hk
- Please visit the University's European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Privacy Notice which may apply to you, where applicable.
The University reserves the right to review, modify, revoke, or add to relevant scholarship regulations when necessary.