Venue and Equipment
A variety of activity venues are available for students and student societies to have off-classroom learning and exploration. You can better utilize the resources at CityU and elevate your university life!
For more information on venue reservations:
General Regulations for Venue
- All student activity venues are primarily for the use of students of the City University of Hong Kong.
- Users shall observe the opening hours of student activity venues. Any use of venues outside opening hours must be approved in advance by Student Development Services (SDS).
- Safety and Security
- Do not block or interfere with any emergency lighting, fire services devices, signage, escape routing and pedestrian flow.
- The stated seating capacity of the venues shall not be exceeded.
- The activities to be carried out shall be appropriate to the venue and pose no potential hazard to the University community. Users shall ensure the activities are conducted safely.
- Users are advised to safeguard their own belongings. SDS will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any personal property.
- Users are responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses for their functions.
- Observe and comply with all relevant statutory requirements, regulations ordinances and laws applicable in HKSAR.
- Use of Venues
- Users shall keep all venues clean and tidy.
- Users are responsible for reinstating the facility to its original condition immediately after use.
- Do not create excessive noise that may affect the normal activities on campus or cause nuisance to others.
- Smoking and suspected gambling in any forms are prohibited in all venues.
- Commercial activity is not allowed in any venues.
- Prior approval of SDS must be obtained for any sales or fund-raising activities to be held in the venues. All Multi-purpose Rooms and Studios are improper for organizing class and conference.
- Equipment, Furniture, Fittings and Fixtures
- Do not post materials anywhere which may cause damage or stain to building fabrics such as window, ceiling, floor, wall, door, etc.
- Musical instruments, AV system, furniture and equipment of all venues must not be moved away without prior approval of SDS.
- Do not plug or unplug the wires of AV system without prior approval of SDS. In addition, SDS shall not provide the technical support for AV System.
- Setting of Partitions shall be arranged by users.
- Users shall be liable for any loss or damage to equipment, furniture and fixtures in the venue which may be caused by negligence, unintentional act, unauthorized maintenance or any other causes. Users shall bear the total cost incurred for repair or replacement.
- Display
- Present all banners, notices or promotional materials with name or logo of CityU and / or department and / or student societies with authorization for identification.
- Ensure the displays and all materials of the event comply with intellectual property rights.
- Do not disseminate or display information or material involving commercial value, profit-related nature and / or personal use.
- Try to make the event and / or display environmentally friendly.
- Food and Drink
- NO food and beverages allowed in the rooms.
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed. Students who exhibit irrational behavior which causes fear or distress to others may be subject to disciplinary action.
- Users shall keep the environment clean and dispose of litter properly.
- Prior approval shall be sought in case that refreshment will be served in any venues.
- Booking
- Eligible users are required to observe the booking policies and procedures for respective venues.
- The person-in-charge of the event shall be present at the venue during the whole event in order to provide supervision, assist all users in using of facilities and equipment, and ensure the regulations will be adhered to.
- For any special request such as on-the-day booking, advance booking exceeding the entitled period and multiple or block booking for special functions, the applicant is required to send the request to SDS via e-mail (sormbook@cityu.edu.hk) or contact SDS counter during office hours.
- Booking of the venues is provided for University activities only. For non-University activities, a special request shall be sent to SDS via e-mail (sormbook@cityu.edu.hk). Confirmation of booking and hiring charges will be subject to SDS's approval.
- No change of use is allowed without prior written consent of SDS. Subletting of venues by users is strictly prohibited. Transferal of reservation among students, societies or to outsiders is not allowed.
- SDS reserves the right to arrange room swapping if necessary.
- Cancellation of Booking and No-Show Policy
- If a booking is no longer required, user must cancel the booking via the online booking system or by notifying SDS through email (sormbook@cityu.edu.hk). Cancellation must be submitted at least 5 hours before the scheduled event.
- Booking will be cancelled when Black Rainstorm Signal, Pre-No. 8 Typhoon Warning Signal or above is issued. All activities shall be terminated as soon as practicable. Please refer to the Adverse Weather Arrangements of the University for details.
- If user fails to honor the reservation by not showing up in the venue within first 15 minutes of the reserved period, the booking will become null and void automatically and it will be considered as “no-show”.The venue will be released and the user will not be able to reclaim the reserved timeslot.
- For a third “no-show” violation, the concerned users will be withdrawn from the privilege of reserving both venues and equipment of SDS for one month.
- For a forth “no-show” violation and above, the concerned users will be withdrawn from the privilege of reserving both venues and equipment of SDS for three months or more.
- SDS reserves the right to refuse a booking, to remove and dispose of any material, or to immediately stop any activities for safety, hygienic or statutory reasons, or for non-compliance with the stated rules and regulations without prior notice.
- Users who fail to observe the aforesaid regulations and / or specific regulations for use of certain venues (if any) may be debarred from booking and using the venues and / or borrowing furniture or equipment. The misbehavior may also be reported to authorities concerned for appropriate disciplinary action.
(Updated: December 2022)
Student Activity Venue for Student Societies
Prior booking shall be made online through the SDS Student Activity Venue Booking in CityU Portal. (CityU Portal → Campus Facilities → Resource Booker → SDS Student Centrum Room)
Music Rooms for Individual Students
Prior booking shall be made online through the SDS Student Activity Venue Booking in CityU Portal. (CityU Portal → Campus Facilities → Resource Booker → SDS Student Activity Room)
Student Activity Venue for Departments
Prior booking shall be made online through the SDS Student Activity Venue Booking in CityU Portal. (CityU Portal → Campus Facilities → FMO Venue & Classroom booking (AIMS))
Other Venues
No prior booking is required such as Quite room (R4205, 4/F, BOC) and some common rooms in Flow Centre (LI) and Student Centrum (BOC).
Student Activity Equipment for Student Organisations
For the Student Activity Equipment for Student Organisations, please click here.
Enquiries: Telephone: 3442 5584