Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy Statement (PPS)
The Run Run Shaw Library is committed to meeting the standard of personal data privacy protection, in compliance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Our privacy policy and practices conform to the University's Codes of Practice for Personal Data (Privacy) Issues.
Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS)
Purpose and manner of collection
- Personal data collected from you will be used for the purpose of:
- authenticating you as an eligible user for restricted library resources and services.
- processing your requested services and materials.
- The Library will only collect the minimum personally identifiable information.
- The submission of personal data is voluntary. However, insufficient personal data may prevent the Library from delivering the requested services and materials.
Retention and use of data
- The Library will only keep the personal data of valid users. Expired user records will be deleted periodically.
- Only authorized Library staff with assigned passwords may access personal data for the purpose of performing library work.
- We will not disclose any personal data we collect from you to any other party in a manner that would identify you except where required by law.
Access to personal data
- You have the right to request access to and correction of information about yourself held by the University.
- If you wish to correct your personal details in the Library system,
please contact the appropriate office:
- Staff should contact Human Resources Office at 3442-9250.
- Student should contact Academic Regulations and Records Office at 3442-2300.
- Users who are not CityUHK staff and students should approach the Circulation Counter of the Library or ring 3442-8316.
The Run Run Shaw Library website contains links to other independently run websites within and outside the CityUHK network. The Library is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.