Mini Theatre (Le ciel de l’esprit)


The Mini Theatre, located between the Learning Commons and the Humanities Academy is designed for film and music appreciation activities. It's built in the form of an egg to symbolize the hatching of knowledge from a state of turbidity, according to ancient Chinese writings. The turbid state refers to the blend of various art genres including but not limited to music and cinematography.

Arts are source of inspirations. A series of film and music appreciation activities and programs will be held to nurture the participants' interests in various art genres. In such a relaxing ambiance, participants can cultivate their temperament and open their minds up to new knowledge.

Mini Theatre

Seating Capacity and Equipment

Seating Capacity: 15
Equipment: DVD/Blu-ray player
5.1 audio system
Compact 120 Hz WQXGA & Panorama single-chip DLP projector and screen
Media Formats Supported: 3D Blu-ray, DVD, Audio CD

Eligible Users

CityUHK students and academic staff are eligible to use the Mini Theatre for screening of DVDs, playing audio recordings, exhibition of staff or student works, and for small lectures.

The theatre is to only be used for educational purposes.

The theatre cannot be used for general group study purposes. Priority will be given to eligible users that require the use of the specialized equipment in the theatre. If the equipment in the theatre is not specifically required by the user making the booking, please make use of the Group Study Rooms in the Humanities Academy

Booking Policy

  • Bookings should be made online via the Resource Booker. Users may also delete or view their reservations online via the same system.
  • Reservations are limited to a maximum of 4 hours per week.
  • Bookings can be made up to 5 days in advance.
  • Academic staff who require the room more than 5 hours per semester may send a request to
  • Eligible users can simply swipe their CityUHK smartcard against the access control system outside the room that they have booked to access into it.
  • Users should present to the IT Help Desk to collect the remote control for the projector. The user’s ID card will be retained by the IT Help Desk until the remote control is returned.
  • There must be at least 4 users in the Mini Theatre during the booked session. A maximum of 15 users are permitted in the Mini Theatre at the one time.
  • Users are restricted to CityUHK staff and students only.
  • Users are advised the room is under CCTV surveillance.
  • The Library reserves the right, at our discretion, to define, interpret, update or revise the terms of use at any time.
  • Users should be advised technical assistance may not be available at the time of using the room.

Special cases

Academic staff who would like to use the room for special events or displays are invited to contact the library to discuss how the request might be accommodated.

Conduct of Users

  • The Mini Theatre is strictly for educational purposes only.
  • Under no circumstances may money be collected or funds raised through the use of the theatre. For example, collecting funds for a charity film screening.
  • Users are advised the theatre is under CCTV surveillance.
  • Please remove all personal belongings from the Mini Theatre after use. Library staff will remove any personal belongings left behind. No prior notice will be given.
  • Do not leave any valuables in the Mini Theatre while temporarily away from the room. The Library is not responsible for any loss of personal property.
  • Do not lock in the Mini Theatre any library materials that have not been borrowed or any in-house use materials (e.g. reference books, journals, newspapers, etc.) The Library has the right to remove any library materials found.
  • Any damage or disorder of furniture / fixtures / equipment in the Mini Theatre should be reported to the IT Help Desk at once. In case of misuse or negligence, users will be held responsible for the total cost incurred for repair or replacement.
  • No food is permitted inside the Mini Theatre.
  • Do not cover the windows on the doors.
  • The Mini Theatre should be kept clean and tidy all the time. Please dispose of any rubbish, old newspapers, used tissue papers, etc. properly.
  • Please observe Library Regulations at all times.

Important Notes to Users

  • The Library reserves the right to inspect the Mini Theatre while in use.
  • The Library reserves the right to refuse lending the Mini Theatre to any user who fails to observe the Booking and Conduct of Users policies.
  • The Library has the final say on the allocation of Mini Theatre bookings should there be any dispute among the users.


Please contact the Library's IT Help Desk or call 3442-6963.