Library Facilities Available to Courtesy Identity Cardholders
Retired staff members of the University and their spouses who possess the Courtesy Identity Card issued by the University may apply for a Reader's or Borrower's Card.
Application Details:
- Download the application form or obtain one at the Circulation Counter of the Library.
- A deposit of HK$500 is required for each Borrower's Card issued. Please get a bank-in slip from the Circulation Counter.
- The applicant must come in person to the Circulation Counter and bring with him/her the following:
- His/her Courtesy Identity Card
- Completed application form
- Recent photo (1"x1.5")
- Bank-in receipt of $500 deposit (for application of Borrower's Card only)
- The card will be available for pick-up at the Circulation Counter in 4 working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) after the Library formally receives the application form and all the necessary documents over the Counter.
Terms of Use:
- Reader's Card holders can access the Run Run Shaw Library to use the collections there without borrowing privileges during normal term time. However, Partial Access Arrangement will be imposed during the Revision and Examination Periods of Semesters A and B in each academic year.
- The Borrower's Card will entitle the holder to borrow up to 40 circulating items for a period of 30 days at any one time. As for the borrowing privileges of other library materials, please refer to the Library Regulations for details or check with the respective service counters.
- Users have to create AD/LAN Password for viewing circulation records or accessing the library workstations.
- Loan privileges, if granted, are based on the Library's discretion. The Library reserves the right to alter any loan privileges, if deemed necessary, without prior notification.
- Retired staff with a Borrower’s Card can have remote access to the following on-line reading facilities: Alexander Street Press Databases and ProQuest Databases (excluding ProQuest Ebook Central).
- The Library reserves the right, at our discretion, to update or revise the terms of use at any time. We will notify the users of this change via our website.
- The user must observe the Library Regulations.
- The applicant may apply for refund of the deposit by returning the Borrower's Card to the Library.
- The Library reserves the right not to offer services to an individual based on his/her past conduct in the Library.
How can I Remotely Access the Selected Library Electronic Resources?
- Click on the title of the desired resource.
- Enter the following to authenticate yourself:
- AD/LAN Password
- Any enquiries can be directed to 3442 8316 or
- For details of Courtesy Identity Card and the facilities available to Courtesy Identity Card holders including long-serving retiring staff, please refer to HRO's web page.