Library Services Offered to Elder Academy Students


Elder Academy Students use their Student Identity Cards to enjoy services provided by the Library.

Services for Elder Academy Students

  1. Access
    1. Elder Academy Students can visit the Library in person.

  2. Loan/Request Quota 1
    Items Quota/Periods
    Circulating Books 10 items / 30 days
    Book Request Quota 2 items
    Media Resources 2 item / 3 days
    Semi-closed (Reserve) / Closed Access Materials 3 items / 5 hours, 1 day or 3 days

  3. Electronic Resources
  4. Instructional Services and Tours
    • No face-to-face instructional services (including library classes and library tours) are provided for Elder Academy Students.
    • Most online instruction, including online tours, online tutorials and online guides developed for CityUHK students and staff are also accessible by Elder Academy Students.

  5. Reference Services
    • Elder Academy Students may seek reference help at the Virtual Instruction and Reference Help Desk.

  6. Other Services and Facilities
    Services/Facilities Availability
    AV EquipmentYes
    Group Discussion RoomsNo
    HKALL BooksNo
    Interlibrary Loan (ILL)No
    JULAC CardNo
    Octopus Card-operated Fast PrintingYes
    Public Terminals (OPAC)Yes
    Quota Controlled Fast PrintingNo
    Special Terminals 2Yes
    Study CarrelsNo
    Guided Library ToursNo

  7. Help


  1. Details refer to Library's Borrowing Regulations
    ( The Library may make any changes without further notice.
  2. Details refer to PC workstations for Elderly Academy Students