Loan Privileges for Spouses of Full-Time Staff Members
Spouses* of all full-time staff members are eligible to apply for free loan privileges from the Library with which they can borrow a total of 40 items. The loan period for circulation books is 30 days; as for other library materials, please refer to our Library Regulations for details or check with the respective service counters.
* Spouses must be CityUHK Spouse Card Holders
Application Methods
- Application in Person: fill out an application form and return it to the Circulation Counter of the Library in person. (Application forms are available from the Circulation Counter and can also be downloaded.)
- Online Application: fill out an online application form. Full-time staff will need to input his or her AD/LAN Password for authentication purpose.
- The Library reserves the right not to offer loan privileges to an individual based on his/her past conduct in the Library. For details, please refer to Review Procedures for Applications of Library Services by Alumni and Non-CityUHK Members.
- Loan privileges, if granted, are based on the Library's discretion. The Library reserves the right to alter the loan privileges, if deemed necessary, without prior notification.
- Spouse of full-time staff member who is going to depart CityUHK in 15 days will not be granted the loan privileges and therefore should not apply.
- Eligible applicants may start borrowing library materials with their CityUHK spouse cards 2 working days after submission of the application.
Privacy Notice
- Personal data collected will be used for authentication and facilitating the processing of your request. For details, please read the Library's Privacy Policy.
Any enquiries can be directed to 3442-8316 or