Wofoo Foundation Gallery
The Wofoo Foundation Gallery is situated at the entrance of the Library. It provides a venue for Colleges and Schools to share their teaching and student learning experience with the University community in the form of exhibitions, seminars and ceremonies. With its prominent location, the Gallery can easily draw in a big audience and engage students in the events. Displays and exhibits in the Gallery naturally become an integral part of an ambience that stimulates students' intellectual curiosity about their environment.

Some inaugural inter-disciplinary events have already successfully taken place in the area. For example:
- Discovery of the Architectural and Cultural Values of Chinese Bridges Exhibition 中國古橋建築與文化專題研習展覽 [ Details ]
- Playful Media 2 - BScCM SIG Student Showcase 2009 [ Details ]
All departments and units in the University are eligible to book and use the venue. Interested parties can make applications to the Library according to the use and booking policy.