Remote Access to Library Electronic Resources

Remote Access from Beyond CityUHK Network

Resources Accessible via the Library proxy servers

Access to the following Library e-resources from beyond the CityUHK network will be via the Library proxy servers:

To access the above Library e-resources,

  1. just click on the link to the desired Library electronic resources via the Library web site or CityUHK LibraryFind.
  2. authenticate yourself by entering your Electronic ID and AD/LAN Account password when prompted.

Resource to be Accessed via CityUHK VPN

The following database cannot be accessed using the above remote access method. Instead, they have to be accessed via the CityUHK VPN (Virtual Private Network):

  • 中國基本古籍庫 Database of Chinese Classic Ancient Books

Introduction to CityUHK VPN and Connection Set-up

Current CityUHK staff and students who have Active Directory (AD) Accounts provided by the Computing Services Centre can access the above Library database remotely via the CityUHK Virtual Private Network (VPN) facility provided by the Centre.

Library users who do not hold valid AD Accounts such as holders of CityUHK Alumni Cards, Friends of the Library Cards, Reader's Cards and JULAC Library Cards issued by other UGC Libraries, as well as SCOPE students are NOT eligible to use this remote access service.

To use the CityUHK VPN, please refer to:


To access the above database via CityUHK VPN,

  1. Get your computer connected to the Internet (via your ISP)
  2. Double click the CityUHK VPN icon on the desktop of your computer to start the connection. You need to log on CityUHK VPN with your AD Account.
  3. Click on the link to the database on the Library web site.
  4. Authenticate yourself when prompted and follow the instructions on screen.


Enquiries on the set-up of connection to CityUHK VPN and on the Active Directory (AD) Account for logging on CityUHK VPN can be directed to the CSC Service Desk at 3442-8340 or to

Enquiries related to access to the Library-subscribed electronic resources can be directed to the Virtual Instruction and Reference Help Desk at 3442-8395 or to